Chapter 12- Badass Moments

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Skye POV

The weekly seminars is a mandatory thing. Not like I'll miss this one. FitzSimmons talked about various things, from the principles of their invention— the night night gun, to the day to day basis of being in the field.

P.s they sugarcoated some stuff, probably to not scare the crowd of scientists who probably never step out of a building, a book, or a lab. When I told Ward about this, he just gave me one of those genuine smiles— yes, with the dimples.

Midway through the speech, Donnie is suddenly frozen. Reacting, I jumped through the chairs in between me and Donnie since I sat at the very back.

"The device under his chair!" Simmons shouted over the chaos.

"Kick it!" Fitz said.

With that, I jumped, landed beside him, crouch down, while kicking the device off the bottom of his chair, now that's why I wear boots, if I was wearing those ballerina flats, my toes will be dead.

Rushing over to us, Fitz and Simmons came to the rescue, and bringing him to the Medical Center. By now, the whole academy knew about this 'SciTech student who is a genius, an excellent hacker, and a total badass'. Talk about a long nickname.


Now that everything about their mission wrapped up, they were leaving. I got silently forced to help Fitz and Simmons pack up, since I understand about the sciency stuff. Apparently, Ward almost blew up the entire plane because carried the trigoxin glacane, therefore moving it, while AC and May can't be found anywhere. After moving the last box, I saw Coulson and May coming towards me, their faces dead serious.

"Hey... AC, May. What's up?" I said, nervous.

"We went here with another mission." May said.

Turns out, I'm an 084. Yay! Just what I need in the midst of this crazy world I live in. SHIELD may have caused all the pain I've been through, but it's also my only source of happiness— Clingy, AC, the team— people I would never knew if not because of SHIELD. Life is definitely the hardest firewall I have yet to crack.


I'm an alien. Punch.

I'm a killer. Punch.

Everyone in that village died protecting me. Why? Because I'm an alien? Am I an alien? How can I know whether or not I'm an alien? Just then, the door to the training room opened, revealing the one person I would be excited to see have not the inner turmoil I just had.

"Hey hey Legolas and Mad Woman. Whatcha up to?" he said.

"They're out, briefing for a mission," I said, my back to him.

"My my. And just who are you m'lady?" he said, unsuccessfully hiding the caution in his voice. To prove that, I saw his hand reaching towards his back pocket, probably where he keeps his gun, from a reflection in my peripheral vision.

"You don't need the gun—"

"Stark! Hitting on my lil' sis already? Well you gotta go to me first," Clint said, barging into the room, Nat trailing behind him.

"Wait, you guys are,"

"Not related, but we were in the same orphanage. We grew up together as brother and sister,"

"Hm, make sense,"

Dr Banner came in right after that, then the cycle repeated— him asking about me and us having to explain it to him— minus the cocky comments Stark made.

"I saw the footage of you saving that boy. Donnie was it? Good reaction time by the way." Nat said.

"Wait you're that SciTech student who is a genius, an excellent hacker, and a total badass, aren't you?" Stark said. Nodding, I muttered, "Better that than called a freak I guess," Just my luck, Clint heard me mutter that and gave me a disapproving look. He knew about the times I got bullied by the other kids in St Agnes, he was there. He made me believe that I'm not a freak. Five years is a long time to change someone's mind I guess. 


Wow, my creative juices are just flowing... The Avengers are heroes, the rest of them to come in the next chapter. Sadly, we need to say a temporary goodbye to her team, it's time she hang out with the big guys--literally. 

VOTE and COMMENT, thanks for reading, hope you like it. 

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