Chapter 2- St Agnes Orphanage

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Skye POV

Set after several episodes of season 1, Skye is with the team, completely trusted, and have completed several missions with them.

The 'new mission alarm' blazed which means that, there is a new mission, obviously. "Everyone briefing in ten," Coulson said. Ten minutes later. "There's an 084 found, in..." Coulson said, trailing off. " St Agnes Orphanage." Great, now everyone's attention is on me.

"Is it the one in the basement? Cause that place is creepy and restricted." I said, quickly remembering the times when I sneaked off to that place just to examine it. "If it is restricted, then how did you know it is creepy?" Ward said. "Oh, you know me, breaking the rules is one of my talents."

Actually, I went there to, well because I was curious, examine and run some tests with that object. I can't really do much because of my limited equipment at that time and by limited I mean things I gathered from the trash and things I stole from the school's labs. The object is a box with unidentified carvings in the sides. It has a very strong magnetic field that is impenetrable. It in a way is like a planet, it has its own gravity and is surrounded by a magnetic field. Well, except if we expose it to positive protons by exposing it to hydrogen and run electricity through the hydrogen to start the electrolysis process, thus exposing the magnetic field to positive protons.

Arriving at St Agnes Orphanage is pretty nostalgic. A lot of happy and sad memories were made in this place. Stepping into the park, I sit in one of the slides, remembering the time when I and my brother first met

*Flashback* I was sitting in the slides swinging, thinking. Where will my life go from here? People think I'm a freak because I keep getting A's and understand a lot of things about science. Suddenly, I was pushed forward by an unknown force. "Ouch!" I said. That unknown force turn out to be Joshua. He and his friends laughed at me and left, leaving me to deal with my wound and dirt in my clothes. Magically, someone appeared next to me and helped me. He's the new kid, no wonder. He doesn't know yet that I'm the freak. Soon he'll hate me just like the rest of the kids.

That never happen. He never hate me. He helped me the whole time he was there. He was my knight in shining armor, always there to defend me, to protect me. We were two sides to a coin, inseparable. Well, at least until he left me. "Come on," Ward said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Mary Sue Poots, what have you done now?" Sister Grace said. "Nothing, I'm with them," I replied. "We are here to investigate an object of unknown origin that appears to be in your basement." Coulson said, stepping forward, acting as the leader he is. When he said that, the nuns suddenly get defensive and told us that nothing is in their basement and that we should leave. It is weird though, how defensive they get. Oh well, better make advantage of it then. While they were arguing, I signaled Fitz and Simmons to go follow me to the basement, slipping away unnoticed while they were arguing. 

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