Chapter 3- Skye's a Genius

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The box is just the same as it is 5 years ago. I thought about all the times I went here to study it, spending hours trying to make the electrolysis work and how easy it would be for Fitz and Simmons to figure it out. While they were figuring it out, I kept checking the hall for any intruders, well we're the intruders but whatever.

For two of the best graduates from SHIELD Academy, they're pretty dumb. When I told them to hurry up, Fitz said,

"To move the box, we need to turn off the magnetic field or it'll explode,"

"But how Fitz?" Simmons said. Right after Simmons said that, Ward, May, and Coulson arrive. "We need to hurry up, they figured it out and they're calling the police," Ward said."I know, I know, be patient, putting pressure on us isn't going to make us work faster." Fitz said. And with that, the specialist didn't say a word.

It is clear that everyone is impatient. With Ward's drumming fingers, May tapping her foot, and Coulson sighing, my resolve is broken and I said, "To move it we must disable the magnetic field right?" Fitz and Simmons nod at me, wondering where this would lead to. I continued, "So we can put hydrogen around it and put electricity through the hydrogen so that electrolysis occurs and" "and the charge will be positive which will neutralize the magnetic field," Fitz said, completing my thought. And with that they quickly get to work while I try to ignore the stares that makes my back suddenly heavy. Maybe it's May's stare, hers must've been the heaviest. Oh well.

After we pack up and go back to the bus, the team all gathered around me expectantly. "What?" I said accusingly, though I know why they are doing it. I just didn't want to admit it to myself. "How did you know what to do?" Ward said, asking what's probably on everyone's mind. "Oh you know, basic high school science," I said like it was obvious. God, I'll never get out of this one am I? Ugh. My lie is clearly not working, though I didn't really expect it to. "Skye, tell us what is going on," May said, stretching out my name which means she is on her breaking point. Better tell her the truth before all hell goes loose I guess.

"I'm a genius," I said. 

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