The Deal Part 5

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Lucy POV

Sting is going to leave me once more. However, it's not like I am completly innocent either. I run away as well... Just in a different was

I was waiting in the church. I knew I had around thirty minutes till the wedding would start. I could feel the sweat dripping down from my forehead. Even though I wanted to be with Sting forever, I just couldn't get married. I don't know if it was that I was too young or because there are so many responsibilities that come with marriage. However, I decided to do something. I looked around and when I saw my maids looking away, I started. I put a hand on my forehead and started whimpering in pain. Automatically, all of the ladies in the room surrounded me. At that point, I moved on to stage Two of my plan. I let out a huge sigh and fell on the ground as if I had just fainted.

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