"It's going to be a great two weeks with you in New York," she continues. 

We head to a tiny, modern restaurant for dinner. The restaurant has leather, booths seated for each table. My mother and I look at the menu filled with rich delicates. 

"Did you call Axel yet?" 

"Yes, he's on his way to join us."

My mother and I order off from the menu first. 

"So what's the assignment that your boss gave you?" my mother asks while sipping water from her cup. 

I tap my fingers against my glass of water. 

"Just something small..." 

She gives me a suspicious look. 

"C'mon, tell me. What is it?"

"I have to find a model..."

"That doesn't sound small. What kind of model?"

"A male athlete..." I answer, barely audible. 

"A what?" 

"A male athlete," I say much louder.

Her brows bump together in a scowl. 

"You're not thinking of asking who I think you are, are you?"

"Of course not. I would never... I can't possibly anyways."

"Good, Lucille. It's good to leave the past in the past. Whatever happened between you two, I'm glad it happened. I should thank it or they. You're finally done with him."

My body stiffens at her words. I turn my attention to the water in the cup. She may not have known what happened between Ethan and I, but it saddens me knowing that she is happy to see me hurt in order for her to be right. 

"Hello ladies," Axel comes right in the middle of the intense conversation. He kisses me on the cheek before he settles onto the seat next to me. I see my mother smile approvingly at him.

"Axel, good to see you again."

"You too, Ms. James. So what are we dining tonight?" he asks. 

"I ordered you some pasta, is that okay?" I say.

"I love pasta," he grins. I smile back. My mother, on the other hand, continues her satisfactory stare at him.

Is she really that happy that Ethan and I are over because she really thinks he's bad for me? Or was she just happy to be right and prove me wrong? I shake these dumb thoughts out of my head. She's my mother. She only wants the best for me. There's nothing more to it. Any mother would want their child to be with the best person possible. And right now, Axel is the best for me. My mother and I may not have talked for awhile, but we can now rebuild that mother-daughter relationship we lost a year ago.

We finish dinner and Axel drops us back to my apartment. I check my email for any replies about the modeling as soon as I get back in. There are no emails of any athlete accepting the offer, but instead there are a dozen rejections. They all state that the reason for their decline is due to the training period along with clashes with games. I lay back against my chair. How am I suppose to find a new model with all these rejections? Jan would only allow me to keep my internship if I can complete this task. All these rejections lowered my confidence even more. 

I suddenly yawn and check the time. It is a little past midnight. 

"Lucille! Didn't I tell you not to stress? You're stressing by staying up late. Come to bed!" my mother says. 

Simply, I still love you. [Sequel to It's Simple. I Use You. You Use Me. ]Where stories live. Discover now