Chapter 1- Blake's POV

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Blake's POV

I walk along the platform, following the boys. I see Reece and George engrossed in a conversation up a head. Mid walk I realise I dropped my pass on the floor, turning back to get it I crash straight into someone. I feel myself falling and grab onto the person for support but fail as I take them with me, making them land right on top of me. Nice one Blake, smooth. At least I have my pass back I think as I realise it's in my hand.

"Oh my god...I'm so sorry!" I hear them stutter quietly causing me to chuckle. "It's fine" I say chuckling again. I look down at the person and see the most prettiest face I've ever seen staring straight back at me. She obviously doesn't know who I am I think as she just stands there staring. Her blonde hair falls neatly over her shoulders with a natural curl. I notice she has a few freckles along her nose. I see her eyes, a gorgeous sparkling blue colour.

"Your eyes" I say a little too raspy for my liking. "There so blue" I continue. I stand there staring into them before suddenly realising what I said. "I'm sorry..i know i don't know you but, you have really, really pretty eyes" I say almost at a whisper making her blush a pretty pink. Without thinking I lean in, preparing to kiss her. She does the same shutting her eyes as we get closer. Just as our lips about to touch, George comes running in ruining the moment. I'll get him back I think to myself.

"Blake! Dude hurry, we're gonna be late!" He shouts grabbing me by the arm and leading me away. "Bye pretty eyes!" I call out behind me with a little wave. I keep looking until I'm sure she's gone. I nearly kissed her until the doofus has to come and ruin it all. Damn you George. Damn you. I think grumpily. I hear the boys ahead talking about how excited they are about the meet and greet. "Blake you excited?" Asks Reece, whilst raking a hand through his dirty blonde hair. "Huh? Oh right yeah I guess" I say shrugging. All I can think about is the girl. The one with pretty eyes. "You sure? You seem pretty down" he says noticing a difference in me. "I think someone's annoyed I ruined his moment with someone" smirks George. "A certain girl should I say?" He asks smirking again. Wait he saw? I go red thinking about it. "Oh no, she was just giving me my pass pack" I say just loud enough for them to hear. "Yeah sure, whatever you say mate" laughs Reece. We all walk in silence until we get to the door to the signing "Anyways we're here" says Reece breaking the ice.

We take our seats and soon enough all the fans start swarming in, one after the other. Most of them don't know who we are, but I don't mind. They will by the end of this signing I smirk to myself. I look up and see something I never thought I'd see again. It's the girl, she's here with another girl. A friend? I sit there staring at her, waiting for her to look at me. I smile to myself when she finally does. Our eyes lock the hold for a while before she turns away blushing. I chuckle lightly to myself, when she looks at me again. Once again we hold the gaze before the moment gets broken again by George nudging me in the side. "Yo Blake? Seen somthing?" He asks bringing me back to earth. "Huh? Oh no I er, thought I saw a fox" I stutter. He smirks again "yeah sure, I think I see it too" he laughs. I laugh nervously as I take photos with a few more people before finally coming face to face with the girl. "Ah pretty eyes, we meet again" I say chuckling nervously to myself. "Yeah!" She says smiling. "So what's your name?" I ask her and she replies telling me Emily. I nod and sign her phone case with a message- To Pretty Eyes, never thought we'd meet again did you?;) anyways enjoy the show - love Blake x I smile at this before asking for her wrist. She holds out her hand reluctantly, I grab my marker again and write down my number before standing up to give her a hug. "Bye pretty eyes" I say smiling and we hold the hug for a few minutes. I hear a cough of my manager joe, which breaks us apart once again. God can i not get one moment alone with this girl? I think to myself. "See ya" she says quietly before rushing away to meet her friend. I look to the side and notice George smirking again, whispering something to Reece, causing him to laugh nodding his head agreeing to whatever it is he said. I go slightly red but quickly shake it off. She's just a girl Blake, get over it. I notice she waves at Tristan, before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "bye Tris! good luck i love you" i hear her call out to him. "love you too, thanks em" he says hugging her. Wait what? Is she going out with him? My fists tense a little. Right, I need to calm down. I don't even know her! "Chill blake, she's his sister" laughs George noticing it. Shit... she's his sister?

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