Chapter 10 - Blink

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"Jean." My father spoke out in a soft voice, his eyes wide in surprise. He slowly put his phone down on the table, ending his call abruptly.


"I didn't mean to involve you and your mother in this." My father interrupted me, his tone apologetic. I took a step forward, a bewildered expression on my face.

"Involve us in what?"

My father just sighed, turning away and I marched towards him, grabbing onto his arm. "Dad, you have to tell me what is going on, for both of our safety."

The exhaustion was evident on my father's face, his white hair starting to sprout out even more. He looks so fatigued, and this observation made me furrow my eyebrows in concern.

He's feeling conflicted in telling me the truth, and it heart sinks seeing the fatigue and pain in his eyes. He seems so...defeated, it was so unlike of my father, who always seem invulnerable to me.

"Dad? Are you okay?"

"Jean, there's something I didn't say to you and your mother, and I'm very sorry about that."

"What is it?"

"Some of the attacks some to you might have been staged, they are threats."

"Threats? For what?"

"From my company."

My eyes widened at his answer, baffled by it. "Yo-your company? But why--how...?"

I stumbled over my words, unable to form a proper sentence due to the confusing thoughts in my mind. My father hesitated, opening his mouth to speak when a loud crash sounded from my parents' bedroom.

"Mum." I whispered out in horror, glancing at my father with wide eyes. Slamming the door open, we made a mad dash for the bedroom. Upon entering the room, I gasped when I saw my mother trembling on the bed, her eyes focused on a familiar stranger in the room.

It was the same aperion that I thought was a magician.

Without a word, he pointed towards my father. "They want you to give it to them, right now." His words held a hint of threat as he glanced back towards my frightened mother.

He took a menacing step towards my mother, panic arising within me. "Mum!" I called out to her, my mind in a mess, not knowing what to do.

Just then, I felt a warm, comforting hand on my shoulder. My father stared at me for a second, before turning his attention to my mother. However, I knew what he was trying to tell me through his composed stare.

Stay calm.

"Alright, I'll give them what they want, as long as you promise not to lay a hand on my family, ever again." My father warned, growling the last few words out.

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