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July, 2146.

"YOU'RE PROBABLY WONDERING why I've called you here during your leisure time before dinner." Kevin Anderson said, gaining to his feet, "And I apologize for taking you two out of your leisure time, but I thought now would be a suitable time to talk to the both of you about something important."

Both Adeline and Matt nodded in unison, staring at the Chancellor. Chancellor Anderson clasped his hands together. "Now." the Chancellor starts. "I'm sure you've heard about the four Elites and I'm sure you've both wondered why they're considered special. In time you'll realise why, but for now we must talk about our plans. We have the elites completing a secret project currently, in which you'll soon find out about. But, there's something I want you both to know; you both are important. You both are in special consideration for what we have planned. The first thing we wish for you two to do that contributes to our plans is to announce the special project currently near completion. It's called the Maze Trials, and we want you two to announce it to the two groups."

Adeline and Matt stared back at the Chancellor. The words bounced in Adeline's brain; The Maze Trials.

"Did you just say ... Maze Trials?" Matt quizzed. "Are you meaning to tell us this project is a Maze?"

"All I can tell you so far is that is that it does involve a Maze." Chancellor Anderson replied, "But anything else about this project is classified. For now. You'll know more information about it in time, do not worry. For now, we need to know if you agree to carry out this aspect of the plan."

Adeline stared at the Chancellor, processing his words. "So, you want us to announce this project to both groups? Why us?"

"As I said, you're both important." Kevin Anderson replied. "So, do you agree?"

"When do you wants us to announce this project?" Matt asked.

"Soon." Kevin Anderson said. Matt nodded.

"Okay." He said, still nodding his head. "I'll do it."

"Wonderful." The man replied, grinning. "What about you, Miss Adeline?"

Adeline thought it through. It wasn't too much to ask of the both of them, and besides, he said they were considered special. Adeline nodded.

"Sure." Adeline replied. "I'll do it."

Chancellor Anderson clapped his hand excitedly, then reached over to shake hands with the both of them. Adeline could only give a slight laugh at his behaviour, finding it slightly childish but amusing. The man made his way to the door, said something to David outside the door, then turned back to both Adeline and Matt and bid them a good day.

December, 2146.

A few months had passed since, and it was the day of Adeline's thirteenth birthday. Adeline was awoken up to Harriet's wake up call. Harriet liked to go girl to girl, shaking their shoulders to wake up. Girls complained and slapped Harriet's hand away, while Adeline was much too tired to wake up and ignored Harriet, only for Harriet to pinch her elbow. Adeline was up screaming at Harriet for pinching her by the time the guard came by to tell them to get dressed for the day. At the end of each bunk bed was a trunk of clothes. Each night fresh sets of clothing was put into the trunks and freshly folded pyjamas were settled at the end of their beds that they were always required to make each morning. Inside the trunk was clothing for each bunk mate, all white and freshly cleaned. Each girl knew their size, so they knew which top or pair of pants was theirs. Over the past two years, each girl had started to have changes with their bodies. Adeline had noticed Matt's voice started to become lower, too. They'd been forced to have a lesson about it when Adeline was 11 years old, and many girls were embarrassed. But, now they were more at terms with these changes as many girls were already teenagers. Well, Adeline was now thirteen. But, they never celebrated their birthdays here. Sure, some people wished others happy birthday, but many kept their birthday a secret, and Adeline would've kept if Victoria hadn't blurted it out as she placed her dirty clothes into the hamper. Adeline shushed Victoria.

"I don't want anyone to —" But girls had started bidding Adeline a happy birthday. Adeline just glared at Victoria, who gave her a sheepish grin.

Meeting up with her friends later that night was the best part of her boring day. It may have been her birthday, but normal procedure still followed. Classes were still running, curfew was still strict. But, seeing her friends of Group A was relieving from her boring day. Minho was a no show again, although he'd passed a message to her about wishing her a happy birthday through Newt. Adeline told him to thank Minho for her. Sitting in the maintenance closet, Adeline realised she'd been here at WICKED for five years now. In those five years, they'd all grown up. Matt was fourteen now – eleven months older than Adeline. He was becoming taller, his voice lower. Newt was thirteen and had started to become taller, too. Adeline was starting to get her growth spurt, and she was starting to look more like a teenager as she grew up, rather than being that eight year old girl she'd been five years ago. Her brother would be turning sixteen. They were all growing up. Each and every one of them.

January, 2147 - 1 month later.

A month since, both Adeline and Matt were called into the Chancellor's office, where they were told that it was time to announce the trial. He gave them each cue cards held together with paper clips, and told them to go over them together. So they did. They got given an hour to read over the cards, get to know what they were reading. At lunch, they were escorted to the dining hall, where both groups talked. As they entered, Adeline saw her friends of Group A notice them, and Minho raised an eyebrow questioningly at the cue cards in her hands. The Chancellor followed inside to hear the announcement. One of the male guards called out for everyone to listen. Matt started reading from his cue cards. Matt read about the Solar Flares, the Flare virus. The need to help save humanity. The fact that they were working on a way to do so. Adeline read next; she read aloud about the Maze Trials, the fact they agreed to help WICKED save humanity. She read aloud about the Maze being finalized as they speak. When they were done announcing the trials, the room was dead silent. Feeling suddenly anxious, Adeline met the gaze of Victoria, who looked upset, then moved her gaze to her friends of Group A. They wouldn't look at her. Wouldn't look at Matt, either. The Chancellor said something, but Adeline didn't listen.

Her friends looked betrayed by the both of them.

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