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December, 2141.

THEY TALKED FOR the assigned ten minutes, but it felt like they had been talking for a lot longer than ten whole minutes. Matt talked about his past life, as if the memories were fresh in his mind. He talked about his sister, his father and his mother, who just happened to be a doctor here and was apart of the reason why he was here. Matt asked her about her family; and she explained it. But not everything. She didn't mention that they were sent away elsewhere.

"There's other kids here." Matt had unexpectedly said, lowering his voice into a whisper. "And they get to eat meals with one another. Talk to each other."

"I wonder when we'll get to meet them?" Adeline pondered. Matt shrugged.

"They told me that I will soon. I wonder if it is the same for you." Before Adeline got a chance to reply, the door to the room unlocked and David appeared, alongside another guard.

"Times up." he said, striding forward and grabbing her by the sleeve of her shirt. "We have fifteen minutes to get your tests done and head to your first class."

Adeline didn't get a chance to say goodbye to Matt, except for a quick wave. It seemed Matt's guard was a lot nicer than David, and didn't force him out of the room. Instead, his guard, a women with raven hair pulled back into a bun, motioned for him to follow, claiming that they were late for his first class. They went separate ways of one another, heading to different rooms. The first person she'd gotten to meet in the month she'd been here. She wondered if the others were as nice as Matt.

The next day, Adeline woke up right on her alarm. Adeline had only just managed to prop herself upright when a knock on her door sounded. Trudging over towards the door, rubbing sleep from her eyes, she swung open the door, where she came face to face with a middle aged women with dark brown hair and olive skin. She wore a black lab coat and her hair was pulled up out of her face into a tight pony tail. Glasses sat on the brim of her nose. There was a food cart behind her.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Hughes." she introduced herself. "I'm one of the Psychs. May I come in?"

Adeline nodded and stepped back, motioning for her to do so. She wheeled the food cart inside her dorm room, before turning to Adeline with a warm smile.

"Today, your classes and tests will be cancelled." She explained. "I'll be back here at eight o'clock. Please eat your breakfast and get ready. Feel free to shower, but make it a quick one."

And with that, the lady stalked out of her dorm room and into the hallway, closing the door behind her on her way out. Adeline obliged. Dr. Hughes returned right when she said she would. She greeted Adeline with another warm smile and ordered for her to follow, in which Adeline did. They wondered the hallways until they stopped by a elevator, and the doors of the elevator rolled open. Dr. Hughes placed her hand on the small of Adeline's back, guiding her into the elevator. Adeline only took the elevator when she was required to be at her weekly tests. Usually Adeline paid no attention on the floor she'd go to when getting tests done, but today she watched as Dr. Hughes pressed the button for floor 9, and watched as the doors rolled closed and up the elevator went.

By the time they reached floor 9, they took a left. The floor was like the hallways of a hospital; they past what looked like a front desk, before passing door after door. Medical monitors were outside each room and each door was numbered, but all were closed. As she descended down the hallway, there was a loud cry that caught her off guard, and she threw a look at Dr. Hughes, hoping for an explanation, but none came. They continued on in silence. They passed another room, where a bald man and a boy around her age stood. He briefly glanced at her, did a double - take, and both stared back at one another until they passed. They got a couple doors down the hallway when a commotion broke out. A boy in a hospital gown staggered out of the room, his head bandaged. Two nurses supported him. He stumbled before he fell to his feet, staggered as he tried to regain balance. That's when he started slurring the words "don't go in there." Adeline got a brief look at the boy before Dr. Hughes pulled her away; he was asian, had dark hair and appeared to be a year or so older than Adeline. Dr. Hughes grabbed her wrist in a hurry, as if she did not want Adeline see what was going on.

"Wait." Adeline breathed. "What is going on? What did they do to him? Whatever you did to him ... are you going to do do me?"

Dr. Hughes didn't answer her. Then there was the sound of a nurse calling after the boy; his name was Minho according to the nurse. Adeline only for a moment got to watch the boy stagger off from the nurses towards the bald man with the other boy, before Dr. Hughes shoved open a door and pushed her inside the room.

For a brief moment, all she could hear was Minho shout; "don't let them do it to you!" and other sentences that made Adeline question why they were here. Dr. Hughes didn't even mention what had happened, instead, she explained how they are going to insert an instrument into her head to monitor her killzone, although she had no clue what a killzone was. Dr. Hughes briefly mentioned that it was to figure out what makes her different, what makes her immune. The room was definitely a hospital room; there was two beds each with privacy curtains. One was closed, the other was open and a made bed awaited them. Dr. Hughes made her change in the bathroom, and by the time she was done, she barely could think of what was going to happen as it happened so quick. She was forced to lay down on the bed, and before she could tell what they were doing, there was a prick in her neck, and she was out, darkness swallowing her.


What happened in this chapter was actually in The Fever Code. This and a few minor things from TFC are gonna be in this prequel but pretty much it's not going to be following it (except I'm using TFC for age reference of when certain things happen so they fit in).

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