(5)With Navy Nuance

Start from the beginning

"I'm a realist. And I'm really tired."

Thanatos chuckled next to me as his eyes skimmed the book's index. "Well, then..." He casually patted his lap, "Sleep."

I raised a brow and dryly looked at him from the side. "I'm going to bed."

I attempted to stand up, but his hand shot out to grab my knee; holding me down. "Wait. If you're really tired, go climb into my bed."

"You do remember this little thing we have going on, right? The lie we need to maintain?"

Thanatos sighed and put the book down; I felt my skin heat up as his palm still held down my leg. "I just don't want you to be scared and alone. You know what happens when you sleep alone."

I sighed and rubbed my fingers against my temple. I could feel the whiskey running through my veins. Maybe drinking while doing research wasn't the best of ideas. And him acting like this- so concerned- it made me agitated. It was odd, to say the least.

"I know, I know. But we can't risk it. I'll be fine."

Thanatos' eyes were worried.

I smiled softly, trying to subtly reassure him, but his eyes merely glazed over. He was definitely more intoxicated than I was. How many glasses has he had now? Six? Seven?

"You're right."

He picked up a book and tossed it into the fire- my eyes shot up with shock. I gasped and rushed forward to save it from being engulfed by the flames. I ripped it out quickly, careful not to burn myself.

I turned around to scold him, but he was up on his feet moving towards his desk.

"What the hell, Thanatos! What's gotten into you?"

I dusted off the book and clapped it a few times to stop the small embers from picking up again. A book was a sacred thing- especially a book as old as this. My furrowed brows deepened as he picked up a dark pen and a piece of parchment. He began writing.

I dropped the book on the marble table and quickly walked to where he stood to peer over his shoulder.

His handwriting was beautiful; so elegant and graceful with wide swirls and a semi cursive loop.

"Who are you writing to?"

I pressed closer to him to see what he was writing; ignoring the grumbling sensation that leapt up as our bodies touched.

The message was short- very short.

'Need a favour. Come quickly. T'

"Someone who could help you."

I looked up at him, his eyes were dark and his jaw was clenched.

"You don't look like you want to do this?"

"Oh, believe me, I don't. But unfortunately, I'm out of ideas and people I can trust. Now, let me get this over and done with before the alcohol wears off and I can think sanely again."

I raised a brow and watched as he hastily folded the paper. Thanatos handled it like a burning coal. He couldn't get it out of his hands fast enough. Now seeing him like this, agitated, was even odder.

He rushed out the door of the study, leaving me leaning against the desk with a worried expression. I could hear him call to a servant to deliver the letter. I stayed put and waited, seeing as we didn't want any of the staff to see me here in his chambers after he'd so successfully snuck me in. Thanatos walked back in, his hand behind his neck and his eyes full of calculation.

Thanatos: The Blue DawnWhere stories live. Discover now