Chapter 12: A different side

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                The woman sitting in front of the group of dragons wasn't the same person as before. No longer was the girl sitting slumped over like a dead body in the chair before them a sweet, confused girl, instead she gave off the sense of terror, of uncontainable evil. The dragons watched in fearful silence as Nina's head raised once again to look at them. In the place of her greenish-blue eyes were two darker eyes, one was purple, the other was the color of blood, each of them surrounded by a black sclera. Amy cupped her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming in fear, her whole body quivering with a vicious horror that tore through every fiber of her being. The innocent girl clutched the edge of her pink shirt in nervous fear as she stared, unable to tear her chocolaty eyes away from the monarch who sat in front of her with a stern look on her face and insanity sparkling like diamonds in her evil eyes.
               "Well, well," The ebony haired demon purred, her voice slow and smooth, like melted caramel, "Is this all that is left of my kingdom? A few disrespectful children?" she asked, looking over each of the shocked dragons in turn as she assessed them critically. "Do you not bow any more?" She hissed, her voice remaining calm, but her odd eyes shining with the menace of a sadistic cannibal.
              Nearly smashing their faces into the table in front of them, the four all bowed, the men dropping to one knee and bowing their head to their chest while the women threw themselves onto the floor face first, each one still shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. Nina stood, a cruel smile playing across her face while she effortlessly rotted the table away at one simple touch, resorting to nothing more than a bubbling puddle of black sludge in front of where Maria laid, head down in respect to the queen. "I will applaud you four, you did save me from that bajang bastard, lord knows how many times he would've fed on me while my body slept." She said, a quick wince of pain contorting her pale face as a painful shocked coursed through her blood. But it quickly passed.
               "Milady, i request with the most respect, that you refrain from saying anything to do with any holy creation." Michael said slowly, his deep voice covering most of his fear that swirled around in his stomach as he spoke. "And who are you?" Nina growled, narrowing her eyes dangerously at Michaels dark head while he remained in his position, not daring to move a muscle as he answered, "Your highness, every time you say anything to do with god, it hurts you, and i wish not to witness our beloved queen in pain." Michael said, keeping his eyes trained to the floor.
               "Aw, you're sweet," Nina purred, smiling insanely to reveal her piranha-like teeth as she kneeled down in front of the dark skinned man, "Now if only your kind words could get rid of my disorder, because that is what causes my pain." Nina said, a drop of inky blood that was the same color as her hair dribbling down her jaw as she spoke, behind her a pair of ten foot tails with golden undersides and a lethal barbed tip emerged and began swaying mindlessly behind her. The room fell silent after her words, that is, until the demonic queen lashed out and grabbed Michaels chin painfully, scathing his cheeks with her death-dealing talons, forcing him to look into her crazy, mismatch eyes. Tears formed in the corner of Michaels green eyes as he stared, frightened into Nina's evil gaze as her deadly claws dug into his ebony cheeks until he could feel her long talons against his teeth. The fear that was written on his face caused the girls smile to grow until tears in her own cheeks appeared, causing more blood to paint her porcelain skin. 
              Quickly growing bored, Nina retracted her claws and threw Michael away like a child growing bored of a toy. "Do you babies have any sweets? I would love some chocolate right now." Nina asked, standing up and turning to begin her hunt for candies, desserts, or any other sugary food. With shaking legs, Amy stood and inched towards the fridge under the curious, and childish, gaze of the evil eyes of Nina's very soul. Still shaking, Amy pulled out an untouched chocolate cake from the cold air of the fridge, offering it to Nina with quivering hands.
              Nina didn't hesitate to violently rip the cake away from the frightened girl and tear the plastic cover off, not bothering with a fork and only going at it with her hands, shoveling it greedily into her mouth. Amy watched as Nina tore into the cake, smearing it all over her face and even getting it into her long hair, while the dragon queen was feasting on the sugary dessert, Amy saw a tall figure that towered over Nina's sickly frame aspirate behind her and give her a quick shot before the demon could realize what was happening to her. Nina looked up with tears in her evil eyes, crying like a child at the doctors office.
              Suddenly, Nina slammed to the ground in a crumpled pile like a freshly washed sheet, her face slamming into the half a cake that was left. Amy looked as if she was about to follow the demon queen in feinting, but she was too hyper with shock and excitement. They had found the missing queen.

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