chapter 6: Betrothal is a bitch

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The car ride with the strange man was stressful, long, and uncomfortable. The van stunk like a dirty sock covered in trash, the putrid scent stinging Nina's nose as she pressed herself against the cold metal walls of the vehicle while it bounces and shakes down the road towards her doom. The strange man sat on the opposite side of the van, his broad back against the only escape while he sat cross legged on the chilled floor. The van lacked any windows, so the only light source seemed to be a swaying light-bulb that hung from a wire on the roof. A tense silence was the only thing keeping Nina company as she watched her captor with suspicious eyes.
"Hey, can I know where I am going exactly?" She asked, watching as the tall, dark skinned man lifted his head to look towards her, his red eyes covered by the sunglasses, which fell off of his head, and onto his face. The stranger readjusted his black suit before clearing his throat and speaking in his deep voice, "I am sorry ma'am, I cannot disclose the designated location to you as of yet." The man said, giving the small girl a sympathetic look as the van rattled down some unknown road. It was hard for Nina to tell how long the two of them had been sitting back there, due to the lack of windows, and on top of that Nina's phone was dead.
A harsh shiver ran through the ebony haired girls body as the time inched by, she couldn't go to sleep, the van was moving too much, she couldn't play on her phone, she had left it with Elena, since she had promised not to play on it while they were dress shopping for her best friends wedding, so Nina was left to sit on the icy metal floor and stare at the dancing shadows while she waited for the van to slow to a stop. "Who wants me to be kidnapped?" Nina questioned again, looking over at her silent companion who seemed to be asleep against the vans sliding door.
The towering man didn't respond, so Nina just thought he was asleep. Another few minutes passed like hours, Nina could feel exhaustion weighing on her tiny stature. After, the raven haired girl had been subdued, the monstrous man who sat in the back of the van with her released her from his grip, and let her crawl away, with no other exit except the door which the man, whom Nina had nicknamed 'oak', was propping himself up against.
Finally, the vehicle came to a stop, and oak jumped up with inhuman speed. Nina climbed to her feet stiffly, her limbs having been numbed from the cold touch of the metal walls and floor, she stumbled briefly as she stood on her wobbly legs. Before she could try to get away, Nina was swooped off of her feet into the red eyed mans arms, his hands seeming to barely touch her as he carried her effortlessly out of the van and into the cold of the early evening. The place where the black van had parked was a long, winding dirt driveway that was lined with bare trees that were casting long shadows on the small snow poffs that littered the side of the pathway that led to a massive, black stoned castle that stood ominously in the distance. While she was being carried by the tall dark skinned man, she caught sight of the driver.
The man who drove the two of them to the medieval era had bright orange curly hair that stood up, defying gravity as he walked down the cold, dirt path that was decorated with blotches of snow that kind of led the way to the house that sat on the opposite end of the driveway. Nina was so taken away with the scenery, she forgot that she was being kidnapped for a moment before she was brought back to reality by the sudden wave of warmth that hit her as she was gawking at the structure. Even the inside of the mansion was breath-taking.
The walls were a dark blue, the floor was checkered with white and black tiles, tall dark wood doors stood on either side of Nina with an impressive curved stair case that stood on the opposite side of the room that led towards the second floor. It was a beautiful place. And Nina was probably going to be a conceited rulers sex slave...yay.
Before Nina could even begin to settle down from the shocking elegance of the entry hall, Nina was carried into a massive throne room that stole her breath from her body. "My lord, I have found the woman that you have requested." Oak called across the room to the man who sat in a golden throne boredly.
The king had short black hair that was shaggy, but oddly well kept, even though it looked messy to the average person, he wore a normal blue tee-shirt and a pair of jeans. If Oak hadn't called the man 'my lord' Nina would've thought it was some type of cruel joke on her. The whole throne room fell into a strange silence as the ruler looked Nina over skeptically from across the gigantic room, he seemed interested, and oddly curious in the short human girl.
Finally, after a few moments of awkwardly staring at her, the man came over to her to inspect her closer. Not only was did the ruler have that bad boy, devious vibe about him, but he was gorgeous. From his dark hair, to his florescent orange eyes, the man was captivating, he gave off a sense of dominance and control, and DAMN was could be Nina's master any day!
"Are you alright?" the lord asked, his orange eyes focused on Nina's goofy grin as his deep voice dragged her out of her lustful thoughts. Snapping out of her daydreaming state, Nina's cheeks turned bright red as she gazed into the mans eyes with her embarrassment glowing like coals in her greenish-blue eyes. Numbly, Nina nodded her head slowly, still blushing like a maniac as she did so. With that, the lord smiled at the girl, revealing a small row of dagger-like teeth to the shy woman.
"Johnathan, set her down." He said calmly, his deep voice sounding relaxed, but commanding at the same time as he spoke. Johnathan gave a curt nod before gently setting the thin girl down on the cold tile floor in front of the man. "S-so, what's your name?" She asked lamely, giving an awkward smile when she was done.
"My name is Jackson, i'm king of the Bajangs." He explained, returning her retarded smile as he spoke kindly. "Sire, shall we tell her why she was brought here?" Johnathan asked blandly, "Yeah, why did you kidnap me?" Nina interjected, looking from Johnathan to Jackson curiously as she stood in front of the two tall men.
Johnathan smiled again, holding his arms out to the small girl, "Well, I need a wife, and you my dear, match all of the spiritual criteria for me." He explained happily, watching Nina's expression go from curious to utter shock. While Nina was completely surprised, the two men seemed completely okay with it.

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