chapter 2: A strange man appears

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Hello everyone! okay, so I just wanted to advise you that the characters in this story are mine, and they have their own stories, so if you're interested in that, go look it up on my works. Alright, let's get to the story before I start rambling hopelessly.

It was a cold winter day, the snow was swirling around on the wind, and cars were inching along on the ice covered streets of Gainesville, Texas. Christmas was creeping closer by the day, and some stresses were high. Except with Nina Lancaster. This short little raven haired girl was locked away in her house, curled up on her leather couch with a soft blanket bundled around her while the television played some random show that she had chosen with a huge smile on her face. With no one to shop for at Christmas, and her house already decorated, Nina was the most relaxed person on her block.
As the shadows of night crept onto the world, Nina laid dozing in her fortress of comfort and was nearly asleep when her phone abruptly brought her back to the conscious world. Groaning angrily, the grumpy eighteen year old felt around her cluttered coffee table for her phone, when she found it she looked at it and gave another pained noise. "What do you want, Elena?" She growled, propping herself up on her elbow as she spoke into the phone. The girl on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, giving her friend nothing more than a jovial giggle.
"Sorry to wake you princess, but you promised to go to a party with me today, so get your butt up and get dressed or I'll come over there and force you into some nice clothes." the woman said, making Nina whine slightly into the phone. "Come on, Elena, you know that the clothes you picked out for me make me look like a whore, and I don't like them." The lazy raven haired girl whined, trying to plead with her friend to forget about her. Alas, that never works.
"well suck it up buttercup, I want you to wear those clothes so that you can actually get a man and get some sun on that pasty skin your so proud of." Elena ordered before barreling on, "I'll be there in five minutes, so you better be ready." Nina's friend ordered before hanging up.
Nina narrowed her greenish-blue eyes at her phone, agitated at her stubborn friend, but she sat up anyway and shuffled into her bedroom where the cold of winter had settled firmly in her house, the small room having no heater to warm the area. The only thing the room had to fill it was a bed that was situated opposite of the entryway, a desk with a computer that was pressed against the wall beside the doorway, and a few articles of clothes that dotted the hardwood floor, on the bed was an untouched dress that only went down to Nina's thighs. With a friend like Elena, Nina was aware that it was inevitable that she would have to wear the tube sock to whatever party her best friend had begged her to go to, but she wasn't touching the skin tight thing until she absolutely had to.
Instead, the ebony haired woman turned to her closet and rummaged through her clothes, looking for her nicest shirt and pants to wear instead of Elena's choice. Pulling a fancy black shirt with red lace out of the cramped space along with a clean pair of dark blue jeans that weren't torn, she went ahead and changed into them, praying that this would be enough to please her friend so that she could avoid the thin material of the strapless red dress on her bed. Just as she was pulling her pants on, she heard the unmistakable noise of Elena barging into her house as if she lived there, which she pretty much did.
"Nina, I'm here, and you better be in that dress I chose for you." The blonde said cheerfully as she came into Nina's iceberg of a bedroom and gave her an evil glare. "What are you wearing?!" She exclaimed, gesturing to her friends clothes as if they were garbage that Nina had glued to herself. Before Nina could explain, Elena grabbed her by the elbow and dragged her back towards the bed.
"This is what you're supposed to wear, not that garbage." Elena hissed, narrowing her bright blue eyes at the nice clothes that Nina had already put on. "But Elena, I don't like that dress, and this is nice enough to get a mans attention." Nina complained, trying to fight Elena, who was dragging her towards the bathroom with the skin tight strip of material draped over the blonde girls arm. Elena ignored her friends protests and pushed her into the tiny bathroom with the tube sock of a dress.
Grumbling a last-attempt complaint, Nina angrily pulled on the uncomfortable, squeezing dress that squished Nina's chest and rear as she struggled to pull it down over her ass, without revealing her breasts. A few moments later, the ebony haired eighteen year old girl shuffled out of the bathroom in the silky red mini dress with a pair of tennis-shoes instead of high-heels. "I guess I am not going to be able to convince you into wearing heels, huh?" Elena said, fixing the knee length pink dress that hugged her curvy body like a child does its mother as she looked over her friend with a hint of disdain in her light blue eyes. Nina glared at Elena with pure, unbridled hatred in her greenish-blue eyes as the topic of heels came up.


The house that the party was located at was a large mansion-like house that was throbbing with colorful lights and music that vibrated through the ground. "This is absolutely ridiculous." Nina grumbled, pouting in Elena's bright pink Lamborghini as they pulled up to the house and parked beside the curb. "Shut up, we're on the hunt for men, so suck it up, and try to get a dick put inside of you." Elena hissed, getting out of the car and walking gracefully to the front door of the house in break-neck heels, leaving Nina to follow her nervously.
The inside of the house was crammed with people dancing, drinking, kissing, and groping each other while the music made everything vibrate and shake violently. the elegant furniture that was originally in the living-room now sat upturned in the front yard, pushed against the walls, or toppled over onto their side as people jumped around and danced wildly to the dub-step that was playing on some surround sound speakers. As quickly as possible, Nina looked for an open space of wall away from the groups of slutty girls that were wobbling around like baby deer in high-heels, drunken college boys that were hitting on anything that moved, and the vomiting kid who was doubled over near the kitchen doorway. The party was filled with both immortals, and humans who danced and drank the time away until they either passed out or threw up. Nina was more than eager to get out of the crowded house.
A shock of joy ran through Nina when she spotted a pair of French doors across one of the mansions sitting rooms that led outside into the garden. As carefully as she could, the ebony haired girl squeezed in between people, struggled threw clumps of horny men who tried grabbing her, and finally, after fighting valiantly through the party, Nina reached the glass double doors and pushed them open into the chilly air of the winter. The cold claws of outside raked over the small girls exposed skin viciously, but she was determined to escape the celebration, and be alone. While violent shivers coursed through her body, Nina crunched through the snow towards a snow covered bench that sat under a heavily snow laden tree. With a cold breath, Nina cleared the snow away, and sat down on the fancy bench, ignoring the stinging chill of the world around her.
Tiredly, Nina laid her head against the stone wall that enclosed the garden that she sat in, and closed her eyes. "Why are you wearing something like that out here in the snow?" A deep voice questioned in amusement from the cover of the nights shadows.
Suddenly, Nina jolted up and looked around in terror, "w-whose there?" She called, trying to keep her voice steady as she spoke, waiting for a response. "Don't worry, I'm just out here to escape the noise, but I have a large coat. Why are you out here in a thin dress?" The man asked, the soft sound of wings beating growing closer as the man spoke.
Nina remained silent for a few moments, giving a slight shiver as she waited for any movement, suddenly, something soft and heavy was draped gently over Nina's shoulders, nearly making her jump up and screech in fear. "Don't worry, I was just being nice and giving you my coat, I don't mean you any harm." The man said, pulling out his phone and turning it on to illuminate his face.
The man was perched on the back of the bench, his shaggy black hair pulled back in a small ponytail, he had a glowing pair of beautiful violet eyes, and pale skin like Nina's. He was wearing a long sleeve black shirt and a pair of jeans, behind him was a pair of medium sized bat wings with a long, thin demon tail swishing around behind him like a cat. "Y-you're an immortal?" Nina asked numbly, her greenish-blue eyes glued to the inky wings that gleamed in the light of the strangers phone. The demon smiled, revealing a row of small fangs that looked sharp.
"Yeah, I'm a low level demon, do you have a problem with that?" He questioned, his playful voice hiding a tinge of anger in his words. "No, but it's odd to see a demon just standing outside instead of trying to encourage sin in a place like this." Nina explained, looking the man in the eyes as she spoke, "Well, I've met my quota for the week, so I came here to relax, but I grew tired of all the drunk women hitting on me relentlessly." He explained, flashing Nina a sweet smile as he spoke.
Before Nina could ask the man his name, Elena interrupted them, and the boy flew off, startled by her friends sudden shouting, "Nina Lancaster, what are you doing out here?" The blonde girl shouted from the doorway to the house, her hands on her hips as she eyed her friend from a distance. "I don't want to be here, can we go?" Nina begged, pulling her best puppy-dog eyes at her friend. Finally, Elena cracked and motioned for Nina to come with her.
Pushing the demon boy to the back of her mind, Nina got up and rushed after her friend, excited to go home. In her excitement, the ebony haired girl forgot the cold. Also, she forgot that she was wearing the strangers coat, which was three times her size.

I hope you all enjoyed, thank you for reading this story. If you're enjoying it so far, please leave a vote. Thank you, peace!

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