Chapter 8: weird occurrences

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Hey guys, I know barely anyone reads this story, but I like being creative, so I will continue to write this tale. So, yesterday my hormones got the best of me, and I had an outburst in my posts on my profile, and I am sorry about that, but I am back, and I am writing some new parts for all of you. Well, let's carry on before I start rambling like a fool and you end up getting more author note then story.

Early morning light poured into the room like a stream of gold that slithered in from behind the thick maroon curtains that covered the windows next to the bed. A pained groan escaped Nina's mouth as she rolled over to look at the window to her right, standing in front of it was a small girl with luscious blonde hair that was curled intricately, her fair skin emphasized her beauty and made her clear blue eyes stand out like a light within a sea of darkness. Something about her reminded Nina of Daniel, but it was faint, only a small stem of recognition.
"Milady, the king has requested that you join him for breakfast this morning." The girl said, giving Nina's shoulder a small shake as the ebony haired girl groaned again. Reluctantly, the dark haired woman sat up, letting the heavy crimson covers fall away as she brushed a messy strand of hair out of her greenish-blue eyes while she blinked slowly and tried to wake up all of the way.
"Mm, what time is it? Why do I have to get up?" Nina asked, her drowsy eyes following the blonde around as she began picking up Nina's dirty clothes; the blonde was wearing a knee length French maid outfit with a small apron that was edged with frills, like the rest of her outfit, and some type of thin choker on her neck. "The lord has requested that you join him for breakfast this morning, and it is eight-thirty in the morning Milady." The maid said softly, her sweet voice sounding young and seductive, like that of a succubus.
"I thought Bajangs were vampires, how did you not roast in the sunlight when you opened the curtains?" Nina asked, climbing regretfully out of bed, and walking over to the large, mahogany wardrobe that stood towering next to the vanity. "Bajangs are vampire cats, they do not burn in sunlight, and as for me, I am a cambion. My mother was a succubus, and my father was a human." The small girl explained, averting her eyes as Nina put on her undergarments and got dressed in the simplest dress she could find.
The dress Nina was stuck wearing, since her original clothes were dirty, was baby blue, and had a black ribbon around the waist to come into a large bow at the small of her back, there was a small amount of white frills at the edge of the skirt, but other than that, it wasn't too fancy looking. Once she was dressed, and the maid was finished picking up her dirty laundry, the blonde led her down the long hallway, down stairs, and into an impressive dinning hall with hard wood walls and white tiles on the floor. While Nina gawked at the massive roof that seemed to be miles above her, the maid took her hand and led her to a long table that was covered by white lace table cloth.
"Ah, there's my lovely fiancé! Did you sleep well last night?" Jackson asked, walking over to pull Nina into a warm hug. A pink blush streaked across Nina's pale face as she stood there with wide eyes in the king of the Bajangs arms, the memories of last night whirling around in her head as they stood there next to the magnificent table. After a short moment Jackson released her from his grip and allowed he to take a sit next to him in one of the lovely chairs.
"Alright, so let's get this out of the way." Jackson said matter-of-factly, his magnetic orange eyes looking down at Nina lovingly as he propped his head up on his hand while he spoke. "My mother has learned about you, and she has demanded to meet you face-to-face. She said that she was coming here, but personal business has made her change her mind, so you and me are going to meet her at her home." Jackson explained, looking over Nina's dress which made her look like Alice from wonderland. Nina was confused, but every time she tried to speak, memories of him laying in her bed last night stole her voice away, so she looked like an idiot.
"W-where are we going exactly?" She stuttered, her voice just barely squeezing out of her throat so that she could talk. Jackson chuckled slightly, his beautiful eyes gleaming with a childish excitement, as if he was a five year old at Christmas.
"Well, my mother is kind of paranoid that humans are tracking her, so she lives out in the depths of the woods, off the grid with the more...obscure immortals, like werewolves and kitsune's and such." The king explained calmly, watching as the kitchen maids brought out platters of delicious looking foods like sausage, bacon, eggs, some other type of meat that Nina didn't recognize, and drinks like orange juice or milk, they even brought out a red substance that Nina thought must've been blood.
Once breakfast was laid out for the king and Nina, the ebony haired girl looked at the rest of the table, while it looked like it was supposed to sit around twenty people, no one joined the two at the long table except Johnathan, the man who had brought Nina here, and the guy with the curly red hair that was driving the van. The rest of the chairs were empty. Nina puzzled over why the mansions staff wasn't joining them until the delicious scent of food tickled her nose, and drew her gaze to the plate of breakfast that Jackson was holding in front of her. Still lost in thought, Nina took the plate from the vampire cat, and poked at it with a fancy fork that was laying in front of her. Everything seemed so fancy and proper, Nina didn't really feel like she belonged with her ratty hair, foul mouth, and lack of lady-like mannerisms.
"I know that you just got down here, but I must urge you to hurry, darling. We have a long way to go, and I don't want to be locked in a car for too long." Jackson explained sheepishly, a shred of fear lingering in his eyes as he focused on his food instead of looking at, Nina.
"Are you claustrophobic?" Nina asked, raising an eyebrow at her fiancé, who seemed to jump at her random question. "Not really, I just don't like driving in cars for too long, my father was killed in a head on collision when I was fifteen, so I guess you can say I have post traumatic stress disorder." Jackson said nervously, the glitter of fear now replaced with a look of sorrow. A feeling of guilt automatically fell to the pit of Nina's gut as she watched Jackson pick at his food sullenly.
The rest of the meal was met with a heavy silence between the two while Nina ate, and thought of her current situation. She was set to mysteriously marry the king of Bajangs, but she was human, so it didn't make any sense to her, but she went with it for the time being. After she was done eating, the ebony haired woman handed her plate to a kitchen girl, and sat there for a moment before Jackson stood up, and motioned for her to follow.
The two remained silent as they walked outside into the bright sunlight with the red-headed boy and Johnathan following them. Once they were in the car Jackson seemed to tense up a bit, but for the most part he was calm and collected, even though the silence only seemed to grow thicker between the two. It was like a suffocating blanket.


The sun had begun to droop in the sky, casting longer shadows as the day went on, Nina had been sitting inside of the car for a few hours now, the driver occasionally stopping to let Jackson out so that he wouldn't have a panic attack every time another car passed. The ride was peaceful, Jackson was asleep, laying his head on her lap while he snored slightly, at peace with being in the car for a long time, the buildings and fields had given way to trees a while ago, so Nina guessed that they were getting closer to Jackson's parents house, so she decided to follow her fiancé's example, and tried to go to sleep against the window. Alas, her moment of relaxation was soon destroyed.
Just as she had closed her eyes, the driver swerved to the left, barely dodging a man who had jumped out in front of them like a lunatic. The car ground to a halt, waking Jackson, who began flailing wildly as he fought to sit up. "What's going on?" He yelled at the driver, who was holding his head, in pain, "A dragon jumped out in front of the car, I swerved to avoid him." The red-head explained angrily, obviously agitated at the stranger who he just barely missed on the road.
Before Jackson could react, the dragon boy who was just nearly hit, ripped open the car door on Nina's side, and grabbed her firmly by the elbow, sharp claws digging into her soft skin viciously as he dragged her out into the dying light of the sinking sun. A shriek tore out of Nina's throat as the strange wasted no time, and instantly spread his wings and took off into the air, dragging Nina harshly with him. The cold air whipped unmercifully at Nina's face as he arm felt like it was being torn off, she could here Jackson scream after her, but the harsh sound of the wind nearly completely drowned him out as the dragon flew up higher, still holding onto her arm with needle-like claws. "What are you doing?" Nina cried, trying to be heard over the sound of the mans strong wing beats.
Finally, the stranger stopped, flying in one spot as he drug Nina's small body up and held her more loosely than before. Now that they had stopped, the stranger was somehow remaining in the same spot as he flew, he had darker skin, but not extremely dark, and his eyes were the color of an apple, he had no hair, and his wings were around fifteen feet in wingspan with orange scales on the underside. He was strangely silent, his crimson eyes looking directly into Nina's, as if he was trying to see into her soul.
"I apologize for any pain you have felt milady, but I was directed to bring you home, at any cost." The man explained in a monotone voice, a fang poking out of him mouth while he spoke blandly to Nina, who was left to do nothing more than cling to the stranger, and pray that he wouldn't drop her. Nina was confused out of her mind, her brain was whirling like a tornado, trying to put the pieces together as the strange man held her. Nina was so lost in thought, that she didn't notice that the man was flying over the trees, taking her somewhere else until the cold air began to painfully numb her face. She was being kidnapped again, being taken farther away from her home and friends, and she didn't know what to do.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed my story, I know it can get a bit confusing, but I will try to clear it up in the next part, or through editing. If you enjoyed leave a vote and don't be scared to leave a comment with any questions, Peace!

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