chapter 1: how the world came to be this way

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The old kingdom will forever be remembered, even if it is nothing but a myth or story told around campfires. The legacies of the ancient ones will continue to live through out our time. And she, the only survivor, will bring the monarchy back.

Millions of years ago, when humans were still young, a mighty race was created. These creatures were animalistic creatures that shared very little similarities with humanity. Under the command of a powerful species of immortals, these animalistic humanoids taught the humans how to survive in the world, only wanting small payments for their actions; for the time being they were in a tense harmony with the humans. That is, until the humans revolted.
Paranoid that the immortal monarch would grow tired of taking care of them, the humans revolted and took the kingdom by surprise. Caught of guard by the abrupt attack, the unprepared immortals scattered, and the kingdom was crushed, the royalty was murdered and the humans became the top predators. That is, until now.
With the humans depleting the resources of the earth, the immortals slowly came back into society, but they were different, they had evolved to blend in to survive. And finally, they have come back, under a system of different monarchs in one united power. Nowadays, the immortals have taken control, and surprisingly, the human world is doing well.
How is the human race doing so well? That's simple, the immortals set them back into an ancient system of villages that are each controlled by one kingdom, as done in the old medieval times of the humans. This was done to lower the usage of essential fossil fuels such as oil, gasoline, and coal, and to give the chance a bigger chance of saving its atmosphere.

The lost queenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon