Chapter 3: Angels and demons

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Nights gentle shadows covered the land like a comforting blanket as Nina went to strip down out of the tube-sock of a red dress and prepare for a shower, but her hands froze when they drifted over the chilled zipper of the demons baggy jacket. A crimson blush dyed her face for an instant as she thought back to the dark haired demon who was flirting with her in the cold backyard of the house party, he was nice, his violet eyes shining with a kind light in the glow of his phone as he looked down at her from where he had perched like a bird on the back of the bench. He was a sweet heart, for a demon who was supposed to be collecting souls for his lord.
Suddenly, Nina shook her head violently, banishing the thought of the strange immortal from her mind and instead shimmied out of the skin tight dress down to her feet and climbed into the shower, turning the warm water on as she stood beneath the warm flow of water that came pouring out of the broken silver spout that jutted out of the wall above her head. The short ebony haired woman smiled as she let the warm touch of the water caress her exposed, pale skin, her eyes closed as she ran her fingers lazily through her long hair with a small smile. When she was done the girl stepped out of the shower, pulling on a baggy black tee-shirt and scooping the plush jacket off of the water covered floor before walking out into the living-room, the cold air kissing her freshly warmed skin as she made her way through the cold house to where she usually slept on the leather couch. Letting out a loud yawn, Nina crawled underneath her heavy blue comforter, letting the soft, thick blanket snuggle her tiny body like a lovers embrace while she got comfortable and pushed her long, wet, black hair out of her face. Another smile fazed across her face like a premonition as she laid down and softly drifted off to sleep.


The conscious world drifted slowly back to Nina as she laid there, a heavy weight on her stomach while her greenish-blue eyes sleepily drifted open and looked up. Straddling her, with his whole weight holding her down, was the demon dude; his dark hair fell on either side of his handsome face while he smiled down at her, revealing a row of sharp fangs while his shining violet eyes screwed to her chest, which was rising and falling heavily while he sat on her stomach like a stone. "What are you doing here?" Nina grumbled, trying to push him off of her in confusion, but he wouldn't budge. Finally, after a few moments of struggling Nina gave up and let her arms fall loosely at her side.
"Are you aware that you snore lightly in your sleep?" The demon asked, tilting his head to the left slightly, his long hair covering his face slightly as he continued to gaze down at Nina's chest. "You didn't answer my question, what are you doing here?" Nina asked again, slowly coming back to reality from her sleep, her greenish-blue eyes narrowing like a cats at the demon. Once again, the demon dodged her question.
"You know, earlier I said I was a low level demon, do you know which species I am though? The exact demon that I am, not my level." The boy said, suddenly looking around the shadowy room, as if following some mysterious creature through the darkness.
"No, what are you?" Nina growled, trying to take deep breaths as she laid there, crushed under the demons weight. "My name is Daniel, I'm an incubus." He said, flashing Nina a carefree smile, acting like he wasn't crushing her lungs underneath his ass. A dark blush dominated the girls face as she looked up at Daniel with wide eyes, he was a demon of lust.
"That explains why you're very good looking, but why are you in my house straddling me in my slumber?" Nina said, her eyes still wide as she gazed up into his hypnotizing violet eyes like a terrified deer. "oh," Daniel said nonchalantly, "I needed my jacket back, besides, I wanted to see you again." He explained, still smiling like a goofball as he sat on top of her. Nina was forced to gasp for air as Daniel crushed her midsection, blind to her suffering as he looked at the television with a half grin, watching a small ball bouncing on the screen, changing color every time it hit the side.
A few moments passed before the ebony haired demon seemed to come back to reality, a shocked look coming over his handsome face as he pulled himself up off of her, and throwing his weight to the side to let Nina breath correctly. "Sorry about that, last time I came to retrieve something from a girl, she struck me. I was just being cautious this time." Daniel explained sheepishly, his violet eyes sparkling in the dull light of the t.v as he watched Nina sit up. The two of them shared a silent gaze for a moment while Nina caught her breath.
"Alright, well you have your jacket back, so goodbye, Daniel." Nina said, eyeing the incubus cautiously while she laid back on the couch arm, her nervous eyes still watching him like a hawk. Daniel didn't move a muscle.
Another tense silence swept over the pair before Daniel stretched his arms over his head and laid down on Nina's chest, curling up like a cat, with his tail wrapped around him as he laid down. "I'm staying here, with you." He purred, laying his weight on her once again as the two of them laid in the darkness. Nina couldn't do anything, the demon was too heavy. So the ebony haired girl fell asleep.

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