Chapter Seventeen

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The picnic is over, so I start to collect my things.
"Hey Nikki, can we talk?" My sister asks.
"Sure," I reply as she pulls me into the hall.
"Okay so I know you're not supposed to believe everything you see on the news, but people have a few pictures of Ian and Nina at the same hotel and together in the elevator." I stand there trying to comprehend.
"I didn't know she was in town."
"I bet it's nothing. Isn't she here for comic con?"
"She wasn't scheduled to appear."
"Maybe she decided to join last minute."
"Yeah, probably."
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to freak you out."
"No no no, it's fine. Thanks sis," I pull her in for a hug. I say my goodbyes to everyone else and head back to my apartment. I sit down at the table in my kitchen. My pregnancy test sits in the garbage bin beside me. When I notice it, tears stream down my face. I miss Ian. I miss the baby I thought I had. At first I was unsure, but it was supposed to be my baby.
"Oh Ian," the thought creeps into my head. I have to tell him he's not a father. I have to tell him that I'm just late. How could this happen to us? I climb into bed after awhile, exhausted from all my crying.
~A week and a Half later~
I haven't called Ian since that day. I can't believe he'd do this to me. Ever since my sister showed me those pictures of him and Nina, they've been headlining since. "Nian go to a fancy Dinner," "Nian Part 2?" "Nian go to brunch after a fun night?" I can't believe he'd leave me for Nina. I can't believe he still thinks I'm have his baby and is still cheating on us. At first I was sad and heartbroken, but now I'm furious. I stand in my kitchen eating a bagel, eggs, yogurt, fruit, bacon, Apple juice, peanut butter, and a buffet more. I've been starving lately, and eating everything in sight. My feet and hands swell to the size of balloons every day and night. All this eating has caused me to gain a little weight. I need to hit the gym.
As I'm packing my bag for the gym, I hear my phone ring.
"Nicole." I feel a pit of fire in my chest.
"Ian, whatever it is, I want nothing to do with you." I realize I should have told him about the baby, but I was to angry to say anything.

A month after the phone call, I was get ready to go to work and starting my day. I work in a small department for a magazine. I get to write the short sections on who wore it best at award shows. I hope to work up to become editor, but that takes skill and time.
~Knock knock knock~
"Ian, what are you..."
"Nicole, listen. Taking that break was the dumbest idea I've ever had. I realize it now that you and I are meant to be together, and that your love for me is pure."
"Ian i..."
"Please let me finish. I love you and our baby. I want to be the best husband, and father for both of you. Why did you hang up on me?"
"Ian, I know about you and Nina. You're blowing up. If you two want to get back together, I'm not stopping you."
"Nicole, I'd never cheat on you or the baby. Nina and I have been hanging out, but only as friends. I feel nothing for her besides a friendship. I promise you that it'll always be you and the baby."
"About the baby. I took the pregnancy test. I'm.... I'm not having a baby."
"You're, you're not?"
"I guess not," I say as my voice cracks. Ian pulls me in for a hug and I break down.
"Nicole, I don't care that you're not pregnant. I still want to make you my wife and have kids when we're ready."
"I want that to," I reply. Ian takes the ring off my swelling finger.
"Nicole Mathews, will you marry me again?"
"Oh Ian, I'd love to!" He kisses me wildly, and we make our way to the bedroom.

~Read Chapter Eighteen for more~

Ian Somerhalder: A Twisted Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now