Chapter Seven

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I wake up, and Ian is gone. I start to panic a little. What if I was just a one night stand? How could he do this to me? Where could he have gone?
"Morning sleepy head " Ian says as I turn towards the door.
"Oh Ian you scared me."
"What? Did you think I left?"
"No," I lie, "I just didn't expect you not to be in bed."
"I went to buy you breakfast. I got a bagel, and coffee."
"That sounds amazing."
"God I wish we were still naked in bed together," he jokes.
"Well you were the one who left."
"It's taking me everything not to jump back in there with you."
"What's stopping you?" I ask. Realizing there was no reason, he jumps on top but is fully clothed.
"I have no reason."
"Ian, I have to tell you something."
"What is it baby?"
"Last night. Well it was my first time with a man."
"You've never had a sleep over with a guy?"
"No, I've never had sex with a guy."
"Oh. Do you regret it?"
"No no no. Not at all. I'm glad I've saved myself, but I'm also glad I got to prove my love to a man for the first time with you." He looks me in they eyes intently, then they soften when I say that.
"I love you Nicole, and I want to keep loving you until the day I die."
"I love you too."
*knock knock knock*
"UGH who could that be?" Ian groans as he gets up to answer the door. I get up too and quickly grab a hotel robe. I walk out into the living room to see who it is.
"Are you ready?" I hear someone faintly say. I move into the room.
"Oh I didn't know you had someone over."
"Kat, meet Nicole. Nicole this is Kat as you obviously know."
"Oh my goodness Kat Graham, I love you so much. You're so beautiful and an amazing actress."
"Awe thank you Nicole. Are you two dating?"
"Yes," Ian sharply replies.
"Well that's great for you two. I'm glad to finally see Ian happy again."
"I'll meet you downstairs kat," Ian says pushing her out the door.
"What did I say?" Kat says sarcastically. I wonder what she means by finally happy.
"I have to go to work. Will you be okay here without me?"
"I'll be fine, but I have to work too. So, I'm your girlfriend?" I smirk.
"Of course you are. I don't do that with every girl I meet. You're special Nicole, you're my love," he responds kissing me on my nose.
"What's my last name?" I ask.
"What kind of question is this?"
"Well, if we're dating you should know it."
"You got me, I don't know it. We just met yesterday."
"It's Nicole Jane Matthews."
"Nicole Mathews. I love Nicole Somerhalder better, but I still like it."
"Also I live in Pearl District. Apartment 20."
"I'll pick you up for dinner then. Say around 7?"
"Sounds perfect." Ian comes over and kisses me with even more passion then last night, if that's possible. And pulling himself away, he steps into the elevator. I wait around for a while, then go into the bedroom and get dressed. I go downstairs, and peep through the conference door. Ian notices me and blows a kiss. His fans think it's for them and go nuts. I know my name's written on that kiss, so I don't get jealous, and blow him one back.

When I finally make it back home, my apartment is trashed. I call in sick from work because if Ian's coming over later I can't show him that I'm a slob. I spend the entire day cleaning and organizing. I look at myself in the mirror and I feel like I look different. I realize that I'm completely Ian's. I've given him every bit of me, and I know I'll probably get hurt, but I give myself to him anyways. I know in that moment I'm going to marry this beautiful man.

~Read Chapter Eight for more~

Ian Somerhalder: A Twisted Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now