Chapter One

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"Nicole hurry up we're going to be late!"
"I'm coming I need to find the perfect earrings for today."
"Who cares about your earrings today when we're meeting Ian Somerhalder & Paul Wesley."
"I know, I know but I still wanna look nice for Ian."
"Yes because out of the thousands of girls he's going to meet today, your earrings will be what he remembers of comic con 2018."
"Shut up and let's go or we'll be late." Mia and I jump into the car and speed to comic con. When we walk in we're trapped in a line of young teens and their moms waiting to enter the large conference room.
"Well I feel about a thousand right now," Mia said.
"We're only 26, it's not that bad we could be that lady," I say pointing to an older woman, about 40, who's waiting in the line alone as well.
"What do you think they'll say? Maybe they'll directly address us. How cool would that be?" Mia excitedly asked.
"The chances of them directly addressing us is 1 in about 2,000."
"Oh you're such a Debbie downer. Look we're moving." A group of body guards lead us inside and everyone quickly tries to grab a seat up front. Since Mia and I were one of the last ones in we're stuck in the back.
"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute," I tell Mia. Quickly, I exit the room. As I push the door open I feel someone hit it. Next thing I hear is, "Mr. Somerhalder are you okay?"
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you with the door."
"I'm fine I'm fine," Ian starts, "it was an accident. Hi I'm Ian."
"I'm Nicole," I shyly respond as my hair starts falling towards my face. Before I could comprehend what's going on Ian is tucking it behind my ear. He stares into my eyes with his. I feel them captivating me. It was like a movie, or a scene with him and Elena. I try to hold myself back from kissing him, and from the looks of it so was he. The moment, like all do, ended far to quickly.
"Are you leaving?" He asks.
"No I'm just headed to the little girls room," I say immediately regretting calling it the "little girls room" and I feel myself blushing.
"Well I'll be waiting to see you in there," he smirks. Now I begin to feel my cheeks burning. My heart must've been pounding 100 beats per second. I felt like I was in a daze. Ian, like a gentleman let's me pass, and I quickly sprint towards the bathroom. I splash water on my face to cool down.
"That did not just happen," I say to myself, "you did not just hit Ian Somerhalder with a door. He did not just tuck your hair behind your ear, and he did not just say he'll be waiting for you. This is crazy."
"Crazy is talking to yourself in the bathroom," a little girl says.
"Oh I'm sorry I thought I was alone."
"It's still crazy to talk to yourself, alone or not."
"Excuse me but that's none of your business little girl, so run back to your mommy." She ran out of the bathroom. A minute later I followed. Quietly I try to shut the large door behind me, but my attempts to slow it down before making a huge noise failed. I feel the eyes on me and begin to turn red again. I rush to my seat.
"Mia you won't believe what just happened."
"Shhh Paul's talking." I save my news until after because Mia was too wrapped up in capturing every word Paul said. The guys were really funny, Ian would make jokes about his love for Paul, then Paul for Ian. It was just them two today, I heard Kat would be with them tomorrow. I tried not too look at Ian because I knew if I did I'd start thinking about how he told me he'd be waiting for me, and I'd begin to blush again. Suddenly, I get the courage to look up at him and he's starring right at me. I notice him smirk a little, and I quickly look back at my hands. Awhile later I try looking up again and his beautiful eyes are still on me. Fast and hard, my heart starts pounding. When it was Ian's turn to talk he'd look away, but he'd still glance over in my direction.
Finally it was over. Paul & Ian's body guard walked them into a larger room. Then more guards walked everyone to the same place. It was time for the meet and greets.
"That was so good!" Mia exclaimed.
"Oh my goodness you won't believe that just happened. When I went to the bathroom I accidently hit Ian Somerhalder with the door."
"What? Oh my God then what happened?"
"I apologized. Then he pushed my hair behind my ear and said he'd be waiting for me in the conference room. And I swear he was starring right at me the entire time."
"UGH you're so lucky. Maybe he has a crush on you," Mia said nudging me. The line took about an hour until it was finally our turn. I let Mia go first. She rambled to Paul saying she loves him, and he's so talented and sexy. She was basically drooling all over him. When he wrapped his arm around her for a picture she almost fainted. Typical fangirl.
"Next!"someone yelled.
"Hello Nicole," Ian said. I can't believe he remembers my name. I'm in another daze, so quickly I shake it off.
"Oh my gosh. Hi Paul. Hi Ian," I say feeling my cheeks burning again.
"So," Ian starts, "do you live here in Oregon, or just here for comic con?"
"I live here. Are you staying long?"
"I might stay a little longer," Ian says. I quickly notice Paul nudge him so he calms down.
"Umm, yeah me too," Paul adds.
"Well Oregon is beautiful right now in the spring. You'll love it, there's lots you can do. Do you mind taking a picture?"
"Not at all, come here." Says Ian. I hurry around the long table that protected me from Ian's impulsiveness. Him and Paul both stand up. Ian hurries to put his arm around my waist before Paul could do it first. The picture comes out nicely, and I thank them for their time.
"Why don't you wait around, I think I'll need a tour guide if I'm going to be staying for a while," Ian says to me as I'm headed towards the exit. Paul nudges Ian again.
"I guess I could do that. I just have to get my friend."
"Perfect! My assistant will have you wait for me in my hotel room." He said directing his assistant towards me.
I rush to Mia. "Can we go now?" She asks.
"Ian Somerhalder asked me to wait around for him. I told them I had to get you first, and his assistant is coming to get us."
"No way!"
"Ladies," a tall, blond lady says, "follow me." She leads us to Ian's hotel room. Mia and I giggle the entire way up.

~Read chapter 2 for more~

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