Chapter Fifteen

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I sit in my apartment a while, and fix my runny make up. My phone rigns. It's a text from my sister telling me they'll be arriving at the church in 15 minutes. Considering that my apartment is only 5 minutes from the church, I look through for the pregnancy test I bought this morning. It's finally time for me to find out if I'm having Ian's baby or not. I force myself into the bathroom and pee on the stick. I wait a while for the results. My alarm starts buzzing. I sit there with the test in my hands. It's negative.
My broken heart shatters into a million more pieces. I reach over to my phone to call Ian, until I stop myself and think about what he had said. Would I regret rushing into things with him? I know I wouldn't, he's the perfect man I've spent my entire life searching for. I want to marry him, I want to give him a child. But I wouldn't be giving him a child anymore. I'm not pregnant. The thought dawns on me. What if now that I'm not pregnant, he won't want to marry me? I dismiss the thought because he asked me to marry him before he knew I was pregnant.
My phone rings again. I hadn't realized that 10 minutes had passed by. I would officially be late for the baptism. I get into my car and speed off to the church.
"Nikki where have you been!" My sister asks furiously.
"I'm so sorry, I'm here and it hasn't begun yet." I lean over to kiss Cece's little head. Cecilia is barely 6 months old. She's still only has peach fuzz on her head, but she's the quietest and sweetest little baby.
"Nicole," Nick grins, "where's the fiance?"
"FIANCE?" My sister yells, "You're engaged."
"Emily, oh no I wanted to be the one to tell you."
"Brad honey, hold the baby."
"Sure dear. Nice to see you Nicole."
"You're engaged?"
"Wow Nicole you're engaged? Congrats. I didn't even know you were seeing anyone."
"Neither did I," Emily says with a sharp stare.
"Emily, I was going to introduce you all to Ian before we told you we're engaged. I'm so sorry that Nick was the one to tell you."
"I can't believe you didn't tell me you were seeing anyone."
"Well I was..." Emily interrupts.
"You see, Nick came by today and Ian was there. He told him about our wedding, and it freaked Ian out a bit. We've decided to take a break."
"Oh Nikki, I'm so sorry. Let's talk more after the service."
~following the service~
"Hi Jenna," I say kissing her cheek, "where's my dad?" I ask my step mom. She's been a great female role model in my siblings and my life and we all love her.
"Oh you know your father, he's probably running around here with Jasper."
"Of course. Dad is a sucker for all his grandkids. I bet they're playing hide and seek with a statue of baby jesus," I joke.
"Nikkie!" My older brother Cory yells.
"Cory! Awe long time no see brother."
He grabs me in a tight hug. "How's Florida life treating you?"
"Well it's definitely not Oregon."
"Where's Jackie?"
"Well Jasper and dad were running around and he tripped. She's just cleaning up a bloody nose."
"Of course. And where's Sydney?"
"Probably off texting one of her friends."
"You got her a phone? She's only 13."
"I know but I'm wrapped around her finger."
"I can tell," I say nudging him.
"So Nikki, Nick says you have something you wanted to tell us."
"Ugh Nick. I do, but why don't we go home first and I'll tell everyone at the picnic." We all drive to my dad's house which isn't too far from mine. Once we're there I greet all my nieces, nephew, sister in law, and dad.
When we all sit around the lunch my step mom made she brings up my news.
"Thank you Jenna," I start, "Well I've met this man. Ian Somerhalder, he's a famous actor. We've been dating, and now we're engaged." Everyone pauses for the longest moment of my life.
"You're, you're engaged?" My dad blurts out.
"Honey, we didn't even know you were dating."
"Sis, you tell me everything. We talk all the time. How could I not have known?" My sister asks.
"It's not something I wanted to tell everyone. I didn't want to jinx anything."
"Well darling," my dad begins, "We're all so happy for you. A little shocked, but very happy."
"Yeah little sis," my brother gets up, "where is this guy? I think I need to properly warn him about any funny business."
"Well, the thing is Nick stopped by today to pick me up. Ian over heard him say we were married and got spooked. He said we should take a break until we're, I'm, completely sure this is what I want. And he wanted to give me a chance to tell you about him."
"Wait, Ian Somerhalder as in Damon Salvatore? The character you've been in love with since The Vampire Diaries started?"
"Yes, he was here for a comic con convention. It was love at first sight." Everyone sits in silence.
"Well I think this is great. Honey you figure things out, and then I want to meet this young man," my dad says. Emily immediately pulls out her phone and starts to Google Ian. She finds something, I can tell by her expression but doesn't share. I decide to ignore her, and we all have a happy picnic together. The entire time I can't help but think about Ian and how I wished he were here.

~Reach Chapter sixteen for more~

Ian Somerhalder: A Twisted Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now