Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

To be honest I didn't like Louis that way at all but I know it would piss Harry off. "Can you stop. You know that I hate you with other guys and taking about it pisses me off even more"

"You know I only have feelings for y-" I covered my mouth quickly and Harry smirked at me. "Feelings for who? Me?" Harry picked me up off the ground and held me against the wall. I wrapped my legs and arms around Harry so I wouldn't fall. "Maybe, but that's not going to make me forgive you." Harry kissed my cheek, sending chills down my spine.

"Fair enough but I'm going to win you over. I saw your post of me KittyKatKate" Harry spun me around and set me back down on the ground. "I thought you were going to delete that account?" Harry questioned me.

"I was but it's not your decision to make"

"Fine. Then I guess I'll have to communicate online with you until to forgive me" I laughed and playfully pushed Harry. "you're so cute" I bit my lip realizing my thoughts left my mouth. I really have to stop doing that, especially when it's to Harry.

"I think we are going on the right track." Harry gripped my hips and his lips came closer to mine. "You're so god damn beautiful" Harry whispered against my lip. "Katelyn?" I pushed Harry away and saw Louis standing in the door frame. "Remind me to take you somewhere secretive next time" Harry puffed rolling his eyes. Harry's probably pissed Louis keeps interrupting.

"Gabriella tells me you're a cheerleader? Well for your old school" Kenzie implied as we left drama. "Yeah was" I'm a little upset I'm no longer a cheerleader, it took most of my stress away. "You should try out for the school team here. Try outs are actually right now."

"Oh my god yes! Kenzie you have to do it with me." I began to get really excited, of Kenzie was on the team with me I'd be so happy. "No way! I rather not waste my time with cheers. No offence"

"I think you would be a hot cheerleader" Liam snaked his arm around Kenzie's back. "Thanks babe. Katelyn why don't we try out" Liam have her a kiss on the forehead. I was a little jealous, not because Kenzie had Liam but because I no longer had that cute little romance. "Shit. I don't have any gym clothes" I mumbled, wanting Kenzie to hear but not wanting to break their moment.

"That's alright I have an extra pair. They are a little tight but they will have to do" Kenzie gave me a smile and looked at my body.

"Kenzie these shorts are so tight! And short!" I analyzed my body in change room mirror. "Stop your complaining!"

"Why didn't you wear this instead?" Kenzie was wearing shorts up to her thighs and a basic t shirt. "Because I don't feel comfortable in that. You are the one that needed clothes so you are using my extra clothes" Kenzie shot me a friendly smile.

"Plus Harry will love you in those hot pants" Kenzie slapped my ass. Her action took me by surprised but it reminded me of the comfort friendship Ashley and I once had. "I thought you didn't like Harry and me. And what do you mean? Is he watching? Trying out?" Kenzie burst out into laughter.

"Harry trying out? I'd love to see that day happen. He's coming to watch with Liam, and I know I said I didn't but" Kenzie stop talking mid sentence, I was intrigued to know. "But what?" I questioned raising my eyebrow.

"But, Harry seems to be different around you. All I'm going to say is be careful, and I'm sure you won't get into the mess I did along with some other girls" Kenzie smiled and grabbed my arm; pulling me out of the change room to the gym.

Kenzie and I stood by the gym doors waiting for more people to come. There were only a few other girls standing in the gym waiting as well, I started to feel nervous.

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