Chapter 1

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It begins with One

~ Music: P!nk - Just Like Fire ~


"Richard come on! We're going to be late!"

I shook my head at his melodramatic act, we had a good twenty minutes yet, as long as I was ready in the next five minutes, we wouldn't be late. I walked to my mirror and looked at my choice of clothing. Dressed in a pair of faded blue jeans and tight black shirt, as I was about to leave the room, I stopped to quickly grab my trainers and leather jacket.

"Richard, come on."

As dad stood at the bottom of the stairs wearing a look of impatience.

As dad stood at the bottom of the stairs wearing a look of impatience

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"I'm coming, will you stop panicking? We have time." I stated it as though we had all the time in the world, when in truth we needed to leave right now. As we walked out the door, dad making sure to lock the door behind us both. Walking down the steps to the sleek crimson red ford focus, which was parked on the curb side, with me already waiting beside the car for dad to come and unlock it.

"And I'm the one that is supposed to be making us late." I muttered to myself, aware to the fact that I sounded like a sulking child, but I didn't really care. 

"Don't get sassy with me, now get in the car and let's get you to school." As I sank into the cool leather material of the car's interior, I stared out the window and watched as we drove off and passed through the same old lane. It was filled with the trees that people couldn't be bothered to cut down in their front gardens, still filled with vehicles people parked in a way that just made it difficult to get through the road without almost scraping every car on the street and definitely still filled with the same old kids who weren't any older than ten, but acted like they were the kings of the street.

"Dad, can I ask you something?" 

As we passed the small community centre at the end of the street, it was like this question I just needed an answer to as I asked dad it.

"Sure kiddo, what is it?" Quickly, he looked between me and the road, attempting to read my face for some kind of indication as to what I wanted to ask him.

"Do you ever miss mum?" I had never really raised the issue of dad missing mum, as if it was a secret that we both refused to really ask each other about. I personally never asked out of respect towards dad, but I knew dad did miss mum from then day she passed away all those years ago and yet, I suddenly felt the urge to ask about it now.

He let out a breath of air before answering my question, like he didn't really want to answer it but he did neither the less. "I always miss her, especially when something that you've done and I want to share the news will her and I can't. Or when I look into your eyes and I see a piece of her in you." He paused as though gathering himself and when he did, he barely whispered what he really wanted to say. "She was the most wonderfulness person I ever got the chance to know, Filled with secrets and mysteries that just made her somebody that I wanted to know."

*Flashback* - 10yrs Earlier 

"Bill, it's time." Gillian was sat on her hospital bed, the IV drip letting the clear liquid enter her veins. "You know what is going to happen, I just can't leave you and Richard without asking a promise of you?" Gillian coughed as her body became weaker, almost unable to remain upright anymore.

"Please don't leave us, I can't do this without you." Bill was sat in the hard back plastic chair that was provided by the hospital, his hand clutching the hand of his wife, with his body leaning against the bed for support.

"Hush sweet heart, you'll be able to do this, I'll be right with you every step of the way, like I have been since the day that I met you." Coughing once again into the blood stained handkerchief she grasped with her free hand, Gillian tried to make her dying request again. "Bill, you must give something to Richard." Gillian produced a letter from her bedside table. "When he turns seventeen, give Richard this letter, it will tell him about the special gifts that I have and how they will now be his."

"No, you're going to give it to him, you're going to be there when he's seventeen." Gillian placed the letter in her husband's hand before relaxing backwards into the bed. "It's not going to be like that bill, I'm dying and sadly I won't get to tell Richard." And as those words left her lips, the last of her life left her body and was replaced with the darkness of death and let her eyes close for the final time.As bill watched his wife pass away, he felt a tug on his shoulder.

 "Bill, please can you step away from Gillian's body." Turning around in his seat he met the face of the man that he trusted to do everything relating to Gillian.

"Please..." he mutter the words, unable to finish the sentence as he knew it would prove futile. All he had now been his son and a letter.

*Present Time* 

"DAD!!" I heard the scream tear from my throat as we headed straight for the oak tree, I felt the impact as the car metal crushed and crunched to a new shape around the tree. I was terrified as all of this happened. I was thankful for when the blackness consumed me.  


~ Author's Note ~

Hey Guys,

So this is the first chapter to the rewrite of the Elemental Seven. I hope you like it, this chapter couldn't of been possible if it weren't for the help of Jay-Cee Race as she helped me to get started with this more realistic version.

Picture of Richard's House is from Pinterest

Anyway, that's all for now, so Gazza out.


~ Chapter Question ~

Q2) Why do you think that the letter from Gillian had to wait till Richard became of age?

Answer to this question will be posted in later chapter, but I look forward to you giving me your ideas if you have

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