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~ Music: OneRepublic - Secrets ~

The world around us holds many secrets, we never get to know these secrets. But that is no longer going to be true for yourself, as you about to enter a new world. A world that you will have never known to exist if not for this tale. 

Our tale begins with one secret in particular that has been hidden from sight and known by few. You're going to be meeting the seven, a group of ordinary teenagers. But our secret and the seven share a link that will make them be far from ordinary, as they are going to be the people who save our world from a descending darkness. 

As darkness descends and secrets are revealed, the seven must take a step that once taken there is no going back. So with a tale where life and death combine and our seven are still to know what we are only just starting to know.

So follow the seven and learn the secrets of the world around us, which we didn't even know were around us, and if not for this tale, might've stayed hidden in sight. But in the case of the seven not a matter of being hidden in sight but hidden by the ones that they love. It just makes it sad to know that in a world where time is a measurement of life the seven will soon learn just how precious that time is. 

So as you read this tale watch the world around you reveals new secrets and mysteries that are now waiting to be brought into the light, and make the world around us far from being ordinary.

Will the seven be able to defeat this descending darkness, or will it cloud their sight even more than it already was? Well that is up to you to find out.  


~ Author's Note ~

Hey Guys,

I'm back and with some news that you might want to know about. This is still the Elemental Seven, but there is a very big difference between this version and the previous version that you've been reading as this version is being have been written to give the book a entirely different mood which is going to be a bit darker and grittier, allowing for a more diverse and realistic aspect to the characters and the plot of the book.

So with that said and done, I would like to fill you all in on some key pockets of information about the book. 

1) Firstly my co-author Jay-Cee Race has now become my editor as she wanted to take a more backseat in the production of the book.

2) Secondly, originally my friend Elionwy Morse was going to be do any art work for the book to allow you to have a feel of the setting that are used within the book, but since then Elionwy has announced that she is leaving the country to go and help people in Australia with her church. So as of now any pictures that are seen within the book will be extracted from the internet or through my personal photo collections.

3) Finally, I'll be adding a new feature to the book. This feature will be a chapter question, this question will generally be about something that occurred or linked to the chapter but sometimes I'll be sneaky and give a question which has no reverence to the chapter but will have a reverence link to the book in someway.

4) Also, with the Watty's 2017 now upon us, i decided to let the elemental seven take another crack at it and have entered it. Now just to wait and see if hopefully the seven are able to possible win this year. and good luck to any book(s) that you might of entered into them as well.

Anyway, that's all for now. So Gazza out.

P.S. - before I forget I've also created a Facebook page which will allow you to keep up to date on the production of the book as the series progresses over time. Just search for @ElementalSeven2017 on Facebook and you should come to the books Facebook page.


~ Chapter Question ~

Q1) If you could control an element of nature, what would it be and why?

Me personally would love the ability of fire as its not just the element that I have in the book but its also the element of nature that I'm associated with as fire is hot and fierce and that is what I can be like, hot when I'm angered and fierce as once you crossed me and not the sort of person you want to mess with.

The Elemental Seven: Nature LivesWhere stories live. Discover now