3: Sherlock Holmes

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As the train stopped, I stretched and got up, shuffling out of the train carriage with dozens of other people. I looked around and saw people running into the arms of friends, partners and families. I know I probably looked unusual, not having anyone waiting for me. But at the moment I couldn't care less. I was busy looking around, my eyes darting around and looking to see whether I had been followed.

I began to stroll towards the exit when I felt a hand tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and gasped in surprise. It was him. The policeman with curly black hair and blue eyes.

I grinned widely at him, causing him to falter at my unexpected move.

"How did you get here before me huh? Quite impressive." I said, trying to act confident. I glanced around and was amused to see around 7 police officers making their way toward us. "Who are you?" I asked.

"Sherlock Holmes, at your service," he said in a deep baritone voice.

"It was quite simple, you forgot something key about your disguise," He said. I glared at him. "And what was that?" I snarled at him, humiliated that I was caught so easily. He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Your glasses are broken, but you still had them on."

I felt something cold snap around my wrists and found myself smiling. He looked at me strangely. "Why are you still smiling?" He asked. "I know you are a sniper, but with no gun, and in cuffs, you are quite vulnerable."

I began to laugh. Sherlock frowned. "What! What did I miss?" He sounded annoyed.

"Oh, nothing." I replied, "It's just that being a sniper is just a side gig. You really should have done your research better Mr Holmes. I am so much more and so much worse than that. Your arrogance truly knows no bounds."

The policemen came rushing forward. I closed my eyes and counted to three. When I opened them I found him staring at me, his eyes roving all over me. Analysing me. He is trying to deduce something about me, I thought. I was delighted to see him looking frustrated, clearly unable to deduce anything.

I felt a large meaty hand clap down on my shoulder, and on pure instinct, I turned around and roundhouse kicked him in the face. The officer crumpled to the ground. By that time adrenaline rushed through my veins like liquid fire. I snapped the handcuffs with ease, this unnatural feat no doubt attracting audible gasps.

Running towards the other three policemen. I took them all on at once, sending vicious kicks and punches in their direction. My mind numbed over as I continued my assault, only half aware of what I was doing.

Looking around, I realised my opponents all lay on the floor, in varying degrees of pain and consciousness. I pulled my gun out from my pocket and pointed it at Sherlock Holmes, who, to my satisfaction, was looking at me with some fear, and something that looked suspiciously like interest.

"Stay away from me, and don't follow me Sherly."

Turning on my heel, I raced for the exit, briefly looking over my shoulder to see him take out a phone and call someone. Running out onto the street, I checked the map on my phone and typed in the location in Greenwich. Locating the area was surprisingly easy. I jumped on a bus, still in my disguise, and headed towards Greenwich, trying to calm down from that excitement.

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