11: First Case

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I must have dozed off, as the next morning I awoke to a loud knocking on the door.

"Go away Sherlock, I do not want to speak to you," I shouted.

I turned my back to the door and faced the other way on the bed. I heard the door creak open and I rolled my eyes. Two thoughts went through my head at this point. I will kill him. I need to get a lock for that dang door. I thought, sitting up and turning to face him. He stopped at the door, hesitating at the look on my face.

"What do you want Sherlock? I'm not in the mood for you and your antics." I muttered, hoisting myself up to face him. Sherlock looked unsure as to what to do. But then again, but then again, human interaction isn't his forte.

"Mrs Hudson is under the impression that I have done something wrong, and I have to come up to apologise." He said in a rush. I rolled my eyes and waited. And waited.

"Aaannnndd?" I prodded. Sherlock looked positively queasy.

"I...I apologise." He said through gritted teeth. I looked at him, amused. "Ok, you wouldn't do something like that without a legitimate reason. Tell me all of it."

"Mrs Hudson confiscated my gun until I have apologised to you." He said finally. I rolled my eyes. "I accept your apology Sherlock Holmes," I said solemnly, grinning slightly.

I lay back down and closed my eyes. A couple of minutes later, I pried an eye open. Sherlock was still standing there. "Why are you watching me sleep like some... Creeper?"

"Deduce me," he said simply.

"Pardon," I said stupidly.

"Deduce me," he repeated. I could see the curiosity on his face. This is a test I realised. He wants to see me in action, and what I am capable of.

"Fine," I said, eager to show off. I studied him again, checking if anything had changed since our first meeting.

"Nice shoes, professional dress. An indoor job. But you have a mind palace, you wouldn't go for something as boring as an office worker. You have an interest in crime according to your meeting with Lestrade. But the police do not consult amateurs. You are a detective, no... A consulting detective. You play the violin according to the state of your fingers and the position of your feet, your dominant foot stands behind your non-dominant one, pointed slightly to the side. You have a smoking habit, suggested by the three nicotine patches on your left arm. You are very analytical and you love puzzles and riddles. Anything that's a challenge. You also have a very ah, nasty drug habit." I went quiet for a moment letting the realisation sink in.

"You get bored."

"Remarkable. I haven't met anyone like me except Mycroft," Sherlock breathed.

"We are nothing alike, Sherlock, trust me, so leave me alone. I won't bother you." I sighed at my contradiction.

"That's the problem," I heard him mutter. I tried to conceal the smile on my face.

"I have a question Alexandria. Are you angry about having to stay here?" He asked.

I thought about it for a moment.

"I guess. I mean, having a SWAT team bursting into your house. Meeting Mycroft Holmes and being forced to live with a stranger while the Holmes brothers know who I am. So yes, I am angry" I said matter of factly.

He was quiet for a moment, I reclined on my bed, waiting for a reply. He stepped out of my room and beckoned for me to follow.

Curious, I followed him downstairs and into the kitchen.

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