1: The Devil Wears Westwood

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My finger was on the trigger, ready to take the shot at a moment's notice.

Blood was pounding in my ears as I concentrated on my oblivious target, adrenaline coursing through my veins. The thrill of the chase was exhilarating, my client wanted results that could not be tracked back to him. This is too easy, I thought.

Steadying myself, I gently began to squeeze the trigger.

"Are you having fun," said an eerily familiar voice.

 A voice I had not heard in a very long time

I jumped, spinning around with unnatural agility and pointing my gun at the culprit.

"Honey, I wouldn't do that if I was you, not with a highly trained sniper pointing his gun right at you that is." He grinned, his black eyes glittering with the promise of danger.

"Jim Moriarty. Hi," he said in a singsong voice.

"I've been looking for you for a very long time Alexandria, you're quite elusive when you want to be." He smirked at the stiff expression I must have held on my face.

"You have been building quite the reputation Alex, you're quite the criminal. I've been doing my research you see." He grinned devilishly, walking slowly towards me, a far cry from the teenager I once knew. The man in front of me was a stranger, so I looked at him with open curiosity. Menace seemed to radiate from him, clouding the air.

"Let's see," he continued. "Highly trained in the martial arts, skilled sniper and assassin." he whistled, his thick Irish accent drawing out that word with particular relish.

"All before you even turned twenty. You have been busy since I last saw you." 

"Busy enough to be one of Both the FBI and Interpol's most wanted list," he added. I still didn't drop my gun. he pouted at that.

"Come now, are you really going to shoot me? Really? We've been overdue a reunion for some time now, surely you must have seen this coming?"

I sighed, lowering my gun reluctantly.

"James, there is a time and a place, can't you see that I'm...um... busy?"

"Rumour has it you are quite the skilled hacker. Your services would prove to be... Valuable. Now," he continued, walking around me "I also know of something else, although I had to dig quite deep to get this little gem of information." Looking at me with a burning intensity, I refused to look away and show weakness.

However, I couldn't prevent my sharp intake of breath as I was apprehensive of what the next words out of his mouth would be. A bead of sweat rolled down my neck as I tried to conceal my shaking hands. 

"You were quite the project weren't you? Both a human computer and a weapon. The US government authorised experimentation on several individuals, and you were the only surviving specimen."

"Do you even remember any of it? "Jim Moriarty wondered out loud, smiling as he already saw the answer written on my face.

I did not.

And I didn't want to remember it all.

the small fragments I did remember of my past hurt.

Full of fear and pain.

He stopped in front of me looking me directly in the eye. I began to feel tendrils of alarm. How does he know all of this, and more importantly, who else knows? I thought I killed the agents and destroyed all the files on the project.

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