Chapter twelve

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Important question in the A/N down below!!!

Two weeks. Two whole weeks had gone by without any contact from Leonardo.

After the party, Aria and I waited two days for him to contact me, but he didn't. Then, I convinced myself to call him.

After three missed calls and a few messages to Leonardo over the span of two weeks, I stopped trying. I even went to the restaurant and cafe he owned -I decided not to visit his nightclub after what happened there the last time- in hopes of catching him.

His message was delivered loud and clear. He was no longer interested, I was just a one-time date for him to an event. But, hey atleast I wasn't a one night stand!

I'll admit it, his rejection hurt. After the passionate kiss shared between us and the necklace he gifted me, I really thought he was interested. Hell, I liked him so him ignoring and rejecting me, made my chest ache.

It hurt because we definitely had a connection between us. It was different and way too strong for him not to feel it. There were sparks between us, as cheesy as that sounds, and I wanted to give the sparks a chance to fly.

Bloody hell, I was so stupid. Stupid woman. Just had to catch feelings for the man who couldn't give a damn about me.

Whatever, I was over it -or atleast that's what I told myself. Two weeks was enough time to stop dwelling over what could've been between Leo and I. Now, I was back into the pre-Leo mindset.

I was going to focus on just work, once again. No distractions this time. My routine was simple, wake up, go to work, come home, try to genuinely laugh and smile with Aria during dinner, and then go to bed.

Aria knew the reason for my glumness, and thankfully, she didn't bring it up. Although I tried, it was hard to just get over everything, especially because Leonardo was the only man I had this weird connection with. It was there and unlike anything I'd ever felt.

All this felt a hell of a lot like a breakup, which is funny since we had nothing between us to end or break. Clearly, I'm really bad at reading signs because he obviously didn't feel the sparks between us and I just seemed delusional. And, now I also seemed desperate after the multiple texts and calls. Great!

"Okay, that's enough. I'm sick of seeing you like this. You're gonna get up and we're gonna go out. S, I hate this shitty state you've put yourself in, all because of some asshole guy who didn't realize what a dime he had." She was sitting on my bed stroking my blonde, untameable hair while I laid beside her trying to sleep the whole weekend.

"Yeah, easy for you to see, since your prince charming is literally always around." I rolled my dull looking grey eyes.

She tugged on a strand of hair, "hey, this isn't about Luca and I. Sierra honey, you really need to stop sulking over that guy. It's his loss, not yours. You know the best way to get over some jerk of a guy is liquor, and you can't even deny that. So, now you are going to get your ass out of bed and dress real hot so we can go party."

I didn't have to look at her to know that she was wiggling her eyebrows at the mention of a party.

"Nuh-uh. Not happening. Aria, leave me alone please. I love you but I'd really rather stay at home than go to some dumb party. Also, mum and dad are coming back from Hawaii today so I need to call them." I tried to shove her out of my bed but she didn't budge at all. Sigh.

"Okay fine, no party. But we're still getting wasted. Just the two of us. What do ya say, bestie." She nudged my shoulder.

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