Chapter four

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It had been a whole week since I'd gotten the job at Whitestone Interior Designs, and I couldn't have been happier. I loved my job, and my pay check was just a bonus. I also made a few friends and I was glad. It felt good to have more than just one friend in New York.

"Sierra hurry the fuck up," Aria yelled from outside my bedroom. Aria and two of my work friends all planned on going out for drinks today to celebrate my first week at work. And, as usual, it was taking me forever to put my makeup on.

I was finally done, and stepped out of my room looking all glammed up. I was wearing a black dress, which was quite short because it was from a few years ago, but it looked really really pretty. It had an open back and was extremely sexy, if I do say so myself.

As soon as I walked out, I got a whistle of approval from my gay friend, Kevin. "Damn, if I wasn't gay, and had a boyfriend, I'd so hit that." He winked.

My face was in playful shock, "Oh my god, you did not just say that."

We all laughed. Kevin was always super playful and that's what I loved about him. He didn't take things too seriously, and was always chill. Then, I hugged and complimented my other new friend, Vanessa on her bright red dress.

"Okay, enough with all these compliments, lets go have some fun!" Aria shouted excitedly. Us three returned her excitement with cheers of our own.

We all got out of the cab, and stood in front of the nightclub. This was one of the most famous bars in New York, and I don't know why we were here, considering there's no way we'd get inside. The line was waaaay too long, and it was freezing so I had no intention of standing out here all night long.

"Arabella, the line looks really long. There's no way we'll get in tonight." Vanessa voiced my thoughts. I nodded my head in agreement.

Aria rolled her eyes. "Follow me."

And we did. She went up to the bouncer and put on her flirt face, and I had no idea what she said, but a few moments later, we're inside the club. We heard a bunch of boo's behind us but they all shut up when the bouncer glared at them.

Inside, my eyes had to adjust to the darkness. It was pretty dark everywhere, except the dance floor which was filled with multicoloured flashing lights. This club had two VIP sections, one for some of the important members inside the club, and the other I heard was only reserved for the owner and few close friends. I was definitely impressed by this whole place.

We all made our way to the bar to start friday night off with some drinks. We all ordered shots of tequila and drank them up on the count of three. Damn.

After a few more drinks, Aria and Vanessa decided to go up to the dance floor, whereas Kevin and I stayed on the bar stools, drinking and talking. Kevin was extremely drunk and was basically sleeping on the counter. And, I was pretty drunk too but I didn't care, today was my day to celebrate.

In the middle of taking a sip, I felt someone rubbing their hands up and down my back. And since my dress was open back, skin to skin contact was very uncomfortable. I turned around on my stool and came face to face with a very drunk man.

He was swaying everywhere and laughing and talking to no one. But his hand remained on my back. I turned to Kevin for help, but noticed him zoned out. Oh my goodness. I was all on my own.

"Uhhh excuse me sir, would you please remove your hand from my back." I asked kindly, and slurred a bit on my words.

"You're so fucking sexy, baby. Let's go to the bathroom. " He winked. Ugh ew.

Then he started coming awfully close to my face. Oh my. He was going to kiss me. Right when his lips made contact with mine, I shoved him away and slapped him, hard.

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