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Kelsey's P.O.V

Today is graduation. I can't believe we're going to college. It's absolutely crazy, it seems like just yesterday I was in ninth grade getting used to high school. I'm at Sammy's house right now. We smoked a few things last night and drank some, but that was it. The only reason I even started doing drugs was to get away from the stress of school. I don't do it that often. Just about once a week. CRAP. I forgot to write a speech for today. I'm one of the Vice Presidents so I have to give a speech. How could I have forgotten? As I start panicking about what to do I feel arms wrap around me. I look up to see Sammy smiling down at me. I blush and go back to thinking about my speech. I mean mine isn't that big of a deal. The class presidents speech is the big one. Cameron and Claire are the ones giving those speeches. I call Aubrey, since she's also Vice President, and ask what she has written. By the end of her speech I start to tear up. Okay not really, but it was absolutely amazing. Guess it's time to hit up the Valedictorian.

"Hey Sky, how's your speech for today?"

"It's great! I just finished adding the last touches!"

"That's awesome! I need help writing mine and I was wondering if y-"

"YOU HAVENT WRITTEN YOUR SPEECH YET?!" She exclaimed astonished.

"Not exactly, I actually go out to parties and do things instead of studying all day."

"With that kind of attitude I don't know if I want to help," she replied.

"I'm sorry! Just please help me!"

"Okay, look I'll help but I'm going to get my make up and hair done for graduation so you have to come with me."

"Deal, I'll meet you at your house in like five minutes. I'm literally right down the street."

"Five minutes?" She questions.


"OKAY GOTTA GO BYE!" She says with a sense of urgency.

I pull in her driveway and turn my car off. I walk in and ask her brother where she is. He points upstairs and goes back to playing his game. I walk upstairs and hear whispering. I knock on the door and hear her close her closet door.

"Come in!" She yells.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing, really. I was trying to find something to wear, but I failed," she replied.

"Maybe I can help," I say as I make my way to her closet.

"NO! It's fine really what I'm wearing is fine."

"O...kay?" I say as I put my hands up and back away from her closet.

"Well we better get going," she says as she grabs her purse.

Something's up and I'm going to find out what it is, but first I have a speech to write.

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