I'm fine

16 0 4

I wake up and breathe in the smell of cinnamon rolls. I get out of bed and walk downstairs.
"Morning guys," I said to my mom and little brother.

"Well good morning sleepy head," my mom replies.

"Hey, why did Kelsey stay over last night?" My little brother Logan ask.

"She just wanted to hang out and talk. I took her home earlier this morning."

"Oh, is she dating Chris yet?" My mom asks.

"No, I think she's into this Sammy guy at school," I reply.

"WHAT THAT JERK!" My brother exclaims.

My mother stars scolding him, "LOGAN THAT IS NO WAY TO TALK ABOUT SOMEONE!"

"He isn't lying," I shrug.

I look down at my phone and notice Aaron is calling. I've known Aaron since I was basically born. He went to school with me for a while but switched to homeschool in tenth grade.



"When's your graduation?"

"That's actually what I called to talk to you about. My graduation is going to be in Texas. They wanted to pick a big state that most of us hadn't been to."

"That's awesome!"

"Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to come. It's on May the 30th at 6:00 p.m. We can play for the plane ticket and we have a hotel room already."

"Are you kidding? I'd love to! You can count on me being there!"

"Great, well hey we should meet up this week so I can talk to you about it."

"Sounds like a plan!"

"Alright, well I'll text you a day."

"Okay, sounds perfect! I'll talk to you later Aaron!"

"Okay, I can't wait to see you! Bye!"

As I walk upstairs my phone goes off. It's everyone texting in the group chat.

Graduation shopping today? - C

OMG yes! - A (low key PLL)

I have a date sorry:( - H

I would love to! I'll bring my camera so we can vlog - K

Count me in! - S

I finally reached my room and opened my closet. I grabbed out a white tshirt with some black leather pants and a pair of black boots. I put a little bit of foundation and blush on, then put mascara and eyeliner on. I looked in the mirror one last time and started singing Flawless to myself. I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs.

"Hey mom, I'm going shopping with my friends! I'll be back at about five!"

"Alright sweetheart, well be careful!"

I walked out the front door and dug my keys out of my purse. I hopped in my BMW SUV and plugged in my phone to the aux. Independent Woman by Destiny's Child started playing. I immediately started singing and dancing along. I reached Aubrey's house and told her I was here. As usual she slayed. We drove to the mall and met Claire and Kelsey there.

"Hey girls!" I said.

They both waved and we all had a group hug. As we were walking into H&M I stopped in my tracks. Thousands of questions started running through my mind as I saw him. I saw him all over her. I shouldn't be upset, but I am. I don't even like him why do I feel this way? We reached them soon and I just smiled and waved.
I can't believe I just saw Heather and Shawn together.

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