Her arms were getting tired, so she walked to the armchair in the corner, and put Camila on her lap.

"Let's look at it, okay? See, it's a small week. Tomorrow is another free day, so we can do whatever you feel like doing. On Wednesday we have an interview in the morning, and then just dance rehearsals in the afternoon, then we'll back on the bus on our way for Richmond, VA. Thursday, we have a radio show in the morning, so that means we'll need to go to bed early the day before, and then the usual set for a concert day. Friday, we have the concert in Norfolk, and miracle! We have a free weekend!"

"Yeah, but then next week-"

"Next week is next week, you shouldn't even be thinking about it yet. And it doesn't change anything, as long as we do each task as and when we should, things are going to go just fine. We're a team, a very big team, so if you can't give a 100%, you have plenty of people around you that can help you achieve that. You have me, and you also have Ally, Mani and DJ, and then aaall the people that work with us and that are always ready to help you."

Okay, well that made Camila feel better. She really liked how well organized Lauren's planner looked, to see it all on paper made it far less overwhelming than just thinking about it. She could feel the knot in her stomach progressively loosen, maybe she could actually do it. The knock at the door announced that their dinner was here, Lauren got up, sitting Camila back down, and giving her her phone.

"There, you can look at it a bit longer while I get the door."

Camila smiled up at her, and started going through each day again, letting her eyes roam on the carefully crafted tasks list. As much as she loved meeting their fans and singing, touring was still really hard for her. The rhythm was hectic and tensions tended to get high pretty fast after a couple months. They all loved each other but fatigue, stress and homesickness was a bad mix. Looking back up at Lauren who was closing the door, she couldn't help but hoping that maybe, things would be different this time. Feeling a bit more confident, she quickly added a series of tasks to the lists.

"Time to eat, Camzi!"

She got up, and handed Lauren back her phone, then proceeded to give her a big hug, whispering in here ear how thankful she was to have her in her life. Lauren grabbed her by the sides and pulled her even closer to her, letting her be surrounded by Camila's sweet clean baby smell.

"You're welcome, baby. I want you to come to me when that happens, and we can work on making it better together, okay?"

"Is that another general rule?"

"Yes. And giving thank you hugs, too."

"You're a tyrant."

"You love me."

"Well, I learnt today that it doesn't mean I have to like you..."

"And did you hear about the second rule you have to follow to win our bet?"

Lauren sounded very proud of herself, and Camila would have probably been exasperated if her voice wasn't so husky and sexy, and so, so close to her ear.

"Fine, I like you."

"See? Wasn't so hard. Come on, the soup should be at the right temperature by now."

Lauren kissed her cheek, and guided her toward the table. They ate in silence, both a lot hungrier than they had originally thought they were. Once they were done, Camila insisted on clearing the table while Lauren took her shower, since she had made it and paid for dinner. Now alone in the room, Camila found herself bored pretty fast. It was funny how used she had become to Lauren's constant presence. She jumped when she heard a knock at the door. Through the peek-hole she saw that it was just Dinah, so she quickly opened.

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