The Wrong Place

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Cameron's P.O.V.

Locking myself in the bathroom to change into my now clean clothes I sighed. After brushing my hair I stuffed my phone into my pocket and stepped out.

I couldn't help but frown a bit as I saw Dan leaning against the wall with his now straightened hair. "Oh come on Cam. The public can't see my hobbit hair too." he chuckled noticing why I was suddenly so gloomy.

Phil came down the stairs quickly to pull me into a hug. "I'll come see you. I swear. It was so nice to meet you." He beamed and pulled back smiling brightly. "Stay safe, Cameron." Phil stepped back and kept his smile on though it looked a tad forced. He looked almost sad to see me go.

"The taxi driver is outside. Come on." Dan said as he slipped his coat on and lead us both outside. Opening the taxi cab's door I slipped in and he came in behind me.

The place was a good ways away from the boy's apartment. Looking out the window I guess Dan noticed my attitude change because he reached out to grab my hand.

That caused me to turn and meet his concerned gaze. "Cameron.. It's going to be okay. I'll come check on you all the time. You can even have my charger." he laughed pulling the base and cord out of his pocket handing it to me. I took it gently as I also took a deep breath.

It had been a day with him and less than that with Phil but I already felt so close to them. Seeing Dan's reaction I could only assume he felt something similar.

"You promise?" I asked shyly and he smiled warmly with a nod. "I swear on my life." he reassured me and flinched, himself, as the car stopped, indicating that we had made it.

My chest was hurting as Dan got out and helped me out aswell. I gripped his hand in mine for comfort as we walked towards the brick building. It didn't look too terribley inviting. "Deep breaths." He said softly to me as we made it to the door.

I felt him give my hand a gentle squeeze before opening the door. Instantly we were hit by the sound of babies crying and two people arguing rather loudly. I sulked into Dan's side as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

The arguing just continued as we stood at the enterance. My hands started to shake as I took long deep breaths. Yelling had always sent me into a panic attack since I was just eleven years old. Dan noticed that and was about to speak until I sneezed bringing the attention of the two people to me.

One of the people seemed to be the desk lady as her eyes widened and she rushed over. "I am so sorry you had to see that. Y-You must be Cameron Haze." she said. I assumed I was the only person to come in today because there was no reason she would know otherwise.

I nodded shyly and noticed Dan's hold on me not letting up. In fact I think it was getting tighter. My head was fuzzy as the woman spoke, I didn't understand a word. Dan said something quickly before leading us back outside. That snapped me back and made me look up at him confused. "Why did you walk us back out?" I asked, lost. He shook his head and sighed.

"This is not the right place." he spoke quietly. "What do you mean it's not the right place? If it's the wrong place why did she know who I was?" I turned to him and he looked back at me from wherever he was staring before. "I don't mean it like that. The website said it was a nice and peaceful environment. We walked into the polar opposit. I won't leave you here." He said as he rang up a taxi cab.

"If I can't stay here and nobody else will take me then where are we going?" I asked worriedly.


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