So Now What?

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Cameron's P.O.V.

The shower was warm and smelled nice thanks to the mango shampoo they had. I didn't question why they had girl shampoo's. Maybe they just thought it smelled better. I did.

Hopping out I quickly blowdried my hair and changed into the pjs Dan had set on the counter for me with a smile. They were baggy but the pants had a string at the waist to make them fit. Looking in the mirror I took a deep breath and tried not to overthink my situation.

Once I stepped out of the bathroom I went up to the Lounge and found Dan sitting on the couch. When I entered he turned to look at me with a small smile. "Phil's asleep." He said softly as he patted the space beside him. Blankets were already set up and a cushy pillow was at the end.

Quietly I made my way over to him and sat down hugging my legs. "I'm sorry for being such a hassle." I said looking across the room staring at the blank tv. Dan just huffed beside me. "Don't be. I'm glad we could help. I'll make some calls tomorrow to see if I can find a shelter. I wouldn't want you having to sleep on a couch all the time." he chuckled as I turned to him smiling. "You're too great."

"Get some rest okay, Cam?" he said, his eyes slightly darker I assumed from being tired. "I'm sure it won't be hard." I giggled as he stood and went to leave.

"H-Hey Dan?"

"Yes Cameron?"

I looked down at my hand fulls of his shirt I was wearing then smiled up at him. "Thank you." nodding his head he waved once before stepping out and heading to his room. Once he was gone I curled up in the warm blankets. Finally I let his myself fall into deep sleep for the first time since it all went down.


When I woke up I smelled bacon and looked over to the table to find my phone plugged in. "Phil.." I giggled seeing a small note from him beside it.

Found your phone on the counter by the sink and thought i'd hook it up for you. Hope you slept well.
- Phil

I couldn't help the smile as I stretched and pulled it off the cord. 100%

I made sure to fold the sheets when I got up and putting the pillow on top of them. Keeping my phone in my hand due to the lack of pockets I made my way to the kitchen. "Good morning!" Phil beamed pulling plates out of the cabinet. "Dan's still asleep. Lazy." he mentioned as he poured three glasses of juice.

"You wouldn't mind waking him up would you?" he asked. "Not at all. I'll be right back." I answered placing my phone on the counter by the fridge so I didn't end up dropping it. I could pick it back up later.

Slowly I opened Dan's bedroom door and stepped in closing it to a crack behind me. "Hey Dan.." I started before I got close enough for him to reach out from under the sheets and grab me. Squeals and laughter filled the room until he let me go. "I was up already." he laughted wrapping the blankets around him and over his head. "I could tell." I said standing by the wall far from him. "Phil made breakfast. Come on."

"And unleash the hobbit hair?" I nodded at his comment and he made a face before revealing his curls. My heart melted and he grumbling seeing my reaction. "Shut up."

"Its cute." I giggled before stepping out. Phil jumped and made his 'deer noise'. I snorted and crossed my arms. "Did I scare you that easily?" I asked grinning and he nodded puffing his cheeks then taking the things to the table in the lounge.

Grabbing my phone I could have sworn it was laying there differently. Unlocking it I found my camera spammed with selfies from Phil. I made my way back to the table and looked at phil with a smirk. "Philly? What's this?" I giggled holding my phone up to show my camera roll. He smiled like a kid and took a sip then shrugged.

Dan came in then as I took my place in the gray chair. "Thank you for making breakfast." I told Phil before taking a bite. "Oh my god."

Phil and Dan both laughed as we dug in.

"So Cameron." Dan spoke while we were cleaning dishes. "I made some calls this morning." I paused from scrubbing and looked up at him beside me. "How'd that go?" I said and he bit his lip before continuing. "Well since your student visa is invalid now you're kind of not welcome here. There's only one place that will take you." I took a deep breath and nodded helping him dry off the plates now.

"So I was thinking maybe we could check it out today. Phil washed your clothes by the way." he finished with a small smile as he tucked things away. "I'll get changed and then we can head out if you want." I offered and he nodded.

"Sounds like a plan."

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