Chapter 37: Go To Prom With Me?

Start from the beginning

"Pax, what's wrong?" I asked getting more confused by the minute. I hadn't told the bad news yet and she's acting strangely.

"Uh...No. Nothing. The bad news?" She asked standing up and putting a long string on her knuckles. I stood up as well and turned her around me.

"I'm moving out tomorrow." She froze hearing my words. She took a step back from me and as if I just didn't basically tell her that I'm leaving she asked, "When were you going to tell me?"

What the hell is going on!?

"'re making me worried. I just told you I'm leaving this house and you're still calm." She shrugged and looked at me in the eye.

"I always knew someday you have to go." Was her only reply. Now I feel guilty. I never said I won't move out when I came here.

"Hey, mom decided to give me the house back and I didn't want any trouble in here. So I was busy with taking out my things for these two days..." I trailed off as she gave me a knowing look. She understood. Thank god!

"Ok, emotional time over. Now lets' go. I'm hungry." She said removing the string from her knuckles. Her knuckles were bleeding badly.

"But Pax, your knuckles..." She waved it off. "Don't worry. Come on."

But I was worried. I was more than worried about my untold feelings.

I walked beside her as she closed the door behind. I practically run up the stairs and into my room. Taking a first aid box I exited the room, closing the door behind me. Heads all snapped up at the sound and I walked by them in the kitchen where Pax was making dinner.

"Give me your hand." She lifted a brow in my question. I forcefully took her hand, cleaning the wound, I put on a bandage. She never listens when someone wants to take care of her.

Stubborn girl.

But that's one of the reasons I love her. Fuck! I'm whipped.

"Aww." Someone snorted behind us. I didn't need to turn around to know that it was Kara. Pax spoke in her calm voice, "Knock it off, Kara."

In answer, we heard more snickers. Her friends were here to hang out. "Immature asses," Pax mumbled. Laughing at her pouting face, I proceeded to make my way the kitchen and open the already stocked fridge. I pulled some egg and pop it in the frying pan just as Pax walked in.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked, tilting her head to the side causing her hair to fall on her face.


"Oh." She paused. "I was thinking about prom." Oh, prom was tomorrow. And like a stupid, I still didn't ask her out officially.

But I had planned...

"Paxton...I need to talk to you, important. Will you meet me at the terrace later?"

She smirked. "Well, why not? Of course."

Hope I can tell her about my feelings tonight.


"What are you thinking about?" I asked reaching the terrace where Pax was already waiting for me. She raised her eyebrows at me giving me a blank stare. I stared back.

"Do you even know what are you thinking about?" I asked amused.

She shook her head chuckling and we both took a seat in the swing. "You remember when you used to say I'm annoying as hell? Do you still think that?" She asked suddenly.

I took a time to think. She's not annoying just a tad bit friendly but as I didn't have that many friends in school, I always told her she was annoying. But not anymore. "You're not annoying, but a little blunt talker? Yes."

"Hmm." She hummed looking at the stars. In these ones of nights, I said I liked her. Maybe now it's the time to tell her that finally, I love her. But what if she refuses?

Before I could blubber out everything she took the glasses out of my eyes. She stared at me for a moment and then asked, "Chris...can people change?"

I didn't understand her question at first. It was a really tricked question. Sometimes people changes or sometimes they pretend to change. But I had to give her an honest answer.


She gave me a skeptical look. "No?"

"Hmm. People never change. They just learn from their past and moves on trying to be a better person. But the person inside of him never changes."

She sighed heavily, giving me back my glasses and looked at the stars again. "Thank you for the honest answer." She spoke standing up.

Oh shit! Is she going already?

"Hey, are you going to sleep?" I asked slightly picnicking. Should I ask her out or tell about my feelings? What should I do!?

"Yeah...don't you?" She said baffled.

"Why?" I questioned, my tone coming out slightly accusing. She smirked looking at my flushed face. I'm arguing in my mind between what to say first!

"You don't want to go to prom tomorrow? It's almost 2.45 am, pretty late if I say." She shrugged. She took a step ahead but I clenched her arms, turning her around before she can get out of here.

"Look up." She gave me a strange look but looked up as told. As soon as she saw the makeshift stars along with the banner I made her with candles, she let out a big grin.

"Will you be my date for the prom?" I asked fast what came to my mind first.'s better than letting her go without saying anything.

She grinned playfully with an evil glint in her eyes. "Can't wait."

I sighed in relief. There are plenty times to tell her about my feelings tomorrow. And hopefully, it'll be memorable for the both of us.

But who knew tomorrow will be the most memorable day of my life?


A / N

I wanted this last chapter to in Chris's perceptive. Now the only epilogue is coming in a few days. Trust me; it's going to be more shocking than you ever thought. Then the book's finished.


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