Chapter 11

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I slammed the metal door closed and walked away in triumph, turning to grin at the boy next to me, who was finishing up taping the photo on the locker. I waited for him at the end of the hall, leaning against the wall casually as I kept a lookout.

After a few minutes the ebony haired boy bounded into my view, stopping beside me. "All done, Evan." He said, running his hand through his hair to push it out of his face, adjusting his glasses as well.

I looked up at him, smiling in thanks. "Thanks, Nate. I owe you one." I said, pushing myself off the wall with my foot as I started towards the cafeteria.

Nate jogged up to me after a few moments, a pleading but hopeful look in his eyes. "Do you think you could introduce me to Matthew?" He asked, his tone hopeful.

"Patrick? I'll look into it, expect a response within the next few days." I said, noticing that we had neared the cafeteria. I caught a wide smile on his face as I waved him away with my good hand, he nodded and bounded off towards the courtyard as I entered the room.

I was immediately met with silence, my footsteps echoed as I walked towards my table where my friends were sat. I smiled as I saw Craig among them, his eyes filled with fear as he shrank down in his seat.

That's right, he should be fucking scared.


"Always with the dramatic entrance, huh?" Jonathan asked, referring to when Evan had made a sudden appearance after a dramatic exit last time. From where he was sat, he could see him talking and laughing with his friends as though nothing had happened. It honestly sent a shiver down his spine when he thought about just how fast Evan's mood had changed.

Yes, Jonathan was still the new kid but he knew enough about the most popular student to know that this was odd behavior for him. So either he was bipolar, or he had something planned, and Jonathan was willing to believe anything at this point.

"Lately he's been into it, he never used to be." Lui replied dryly, finding more interest in whatever the lunch lady had scooped onto his plate.

Jonathan was surprised Lui was so calm about all his questions, considering that both him and Marcel obviously hated talking about the raven haired boy.

"I think he's finally struck a nerve or something, maybe Craig did it to him. I swear he's more of a dick now than ever." Marcel said, biting into one of cut halves of his sandwich.

"What makes you say that? The Craig thing only happened a few days ago." Lui said, looking up from his food with a spark of interest.

"Nate walked in a few minutes after him, smiling like a Cheshire Cat. Evan obviously talked him into something." Marcel's tone was bored, as if everything had been so obvious when it wasn't.

Jonathan nodded, remembering that he had seen a smiling, ebony haired boy slip into the cafeteria once the commotion about Evan had died down, silent as a mouse. He glanced around the cafeteria as he casually looked for the boy, who was sat near the back of the cafeteria with who Jonathan assumed were his friends and, as he had suspected, the boy was still smiling.

Guess Evan really knows how to make a deal, Jonathan thought to himself as he returned his attention to his friends, who were still gossiping about Evan.

"I'm telling you, whatever Evan is planning, Craig is not going to expect it." Marcel said as Jonathan joined the conversation once again.

The Bad Boy Effect (H2OVanoss) [Completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang