Chapter 7

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I lightly kicked the sand around my feet as I swung on the old swing set at Bayside Park. The park had been here for as long as I could remember, and the playground equipment had yet to be replaced, but I don't mind, this equipment just makes me feel relaxed. It reminds me of when I was a kid with absolutely no worries.

Oh, those were the best of times. I didn't have nearly as much shit to deal with back then as I do now.

I remember back in second grade, all of us, even Lui and Marcel, went to this park and we played for hours on the playground. We had so much fun, I wish it was still like that.

But now Lui and Marcel hate me. I know why they do, of course I do, it's a very valid reason, but it hurts because it wasn't my fault that what happened had happened. But Lui will never believe me...he never believed me.

And now there's someone new thrown into the mix, Jonathan. He seems nice, although he looked a little intimidated by me at first, which was understandable considering who he was friends with. But, there's just something about him that interests me, I don't know what it is, but I want, no I need to know more about him.

Jonathan got the short end of the stick here, considering he got caught between me and Lui's rivalry, well it's more like Lui's vendetta against me. A really bad vendetta, one that's been there since sixth grade. When the last new kid had arrived.....

It was funny, really...a new kid drove us apart, and now this new kid was probably going to finish what Lui thinks I started back in middle school.

But I know Lui, and I know his revenge is going to hurt me like history hurt him.

Excruciatingly bad. Friendship ending bad. Maybe even worse, because what had happened was bad, so bad that only me and him know what really happened. So bad that I purposely lash out at the guys when they bring it up because if I don't act angry, I'll break down and cry about it for hours.

Because I fucked up our friendship that bad, and maybe it's not entirely my fault, but that doesn't mean that day won't haunt me for the rest of my life.

So no one, and I mean no one is gonna find out the truth about that day. Because I would rather have two of my friends hate me than spend the rest of high school alone.

Because even if I seem like someone who wants to be alone, I can't stand on my own.

Oh, how the mighty fall.


Jonathan and Lui patiently waited outside of Marcel's house at 7:23 AM on Monday. The trio had decided they were going to walk to school as a group from now on considering they were friends now.

As they waited, Jonathan thought back to the sleepover at Lui's place on Saturday. Overall it was pretty good, considering he hadn't been to one in ages, he had gotten to know the two boys a bit more and in turn Jonathan talked about himself as well. They didn't play any drinking games or anything like that, they mostly played video games and told scary stories. It was pretty normal.

But it was strange that as Jonathan played back the events in his head he compared the sleepover to how Evan and his friends would do it. Jonathan didn't know how to explain it, but he thought the get together would have been more fun if Evan was there with his friends, even if Lui and Marcel hated them.

Jonathan shook the thought of his head, he was convinced this new school was making him crazy. After all, he had been to school one day and thought of someone who he was supposed to hate as one of his close friends. If that wasn't ludicrous he didn't know what was.

And speak of the devil, across the street he could hear the laugh he had already memorized after one day. Evan and his friends. Seriously, were they like professional stalkers or something? They had to be with how much he encountered them already.

Looking away, he saw that Marcel had just joined the two on the sidewalk. Just as Jonathan was about to greet him, he saw that Lui and Marcel had started to glare across the street. Jonathan turned his head and saw that the group had noticed them.

Jonathan was about to tug on his friends' shoulder to tell them to knock it off when he saw that Evan had noticed him. Quickly, Jonathan dropped his hand and looked at the group, suddenly feeling suspicious.

He was about to look away when Evan smirked, a brief smirk that faded quickly only to be replaced with a smile that was so obviously fake, and to top it off he lifted his hand up and waved. He fucking waved. That small action was enough to stop the trio in their tracks, causing the group across from them burst into laughter. Jonathan saw Tyler give Evan a high five and could see him say something that made the group laugh harder.

"I really hate them." Lui growled, glaring as the group continued on their way.

"Yup." Marcel agreed. "Why are they even friends with him?"

"I don't know, Evan probably lied his way out of the blame. Like he does."

"Um, I don't mean to interrupt what you two have going on here, but....What happened between you and Evan?" Jonathan said, trying to understand the situation, and to avoid witnessing the beginning of a war.

Lui turned towards Jonathan, almost like he just realized he was there. "Nothing, he's just a dick. He's always been a dick, which is exactly why you can't trust him." He said, hatred clear in his voice.

Knowing not to push any farther, Jonathan instead tried to change the subject. "So, how do I get to room 134 again?" A dumb question to ask, he knew that, but he also knew it would help the pair calm down.

But he still had to find out what happened between them and the group.


"So Ev, what are your thoughts on the new kid now?" Craig smirked at his friend from across the table, knowing how much it would annoy him. Evan was not much of a 'feelings' person.

Just as planned, Evan glared at the smiling boy in front of him. The glare lasted for about a minute before he rolled his eyes and answered the question.

"He's less of a dick than I thought he would be after hanging out with Calibre and Wrk, that's for sure. Why do you care, Cub Scout?" Evan replied bluntly, only the question he had directed at Craig sounded like more of a growl.

"Because that was an awful lot of trouble you went through to talk to him. He must be special."

"Shut the hell up. You're high again."

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