She cleared her throat, making me look up from my fingers to her brown eyes. Her eyes were always droopy but at that moment, it was obvious that she was tired.

"So what did you want to talk about?" she asked, not beating around the bush, unlike you know, Lauren. It was so funny how similar yet so different they are. I would laugh but I didn't think laughing right now was ideal and well, sane.

"I want to say sorry for the uh- performance. I should have consulted to you and Lauren first. I was just caught up in the moment and hell went loose after that. You got caught in the whirlwind and you never did anything wrong. You never once said shit about me and for me to do that was just rude. I'm sorry. I don't want you to hate me." I rambled then, not knowing if it made sense at that point. It was all jumbled up together.

"Whoa, okay," she laughed, "I didn't catch most of that but I did hear the last part. I don't hate you, I don't think I ever will. You were a huge part of Lauren and you moulded her into a beautiful and wise woman, and for that, I thank you, you don't know how much you mean to her." She said, a hint of sadness present. Why is she sad?

"Yeah, and I'm sorry because you never did anything that could be deemed mean to me. You had never hurt Lauren, that's how I know you guys are meant to be." I mentioned. And although my heart was breaking at every word that came out, at least I was honest.

They are meant to be.

I noted that she tensed for a second after that though. But before I could analyze fully, she relaxed her body yet again.

A few seconds passed and she looked at me with curiosity and respect. "So you called me and wanted to meet me because you want me to patch things up with your ex? That really sweet Camila. And Lauren hasn't even contacted me yet."

It was my turn to stiffen now. What the actual fuck? So when she found out when Lucy was gone, she didn't think of calling Lucy first? She called me first?

"But I think it was because she was asleep and don't realize I was gone." She continued. "Which reminds me, how did you know Lauren and I were fighting?"

If I wasn't stiff the first time, I was now. But that didn't stop me from lying effortlessly - a skill I had managed to practice from when Lauren and I were together. At least there's a silver lining from that relationship, "Oh, I saw an article that stated that you were seen going out alone."

"Ahhhh, that. The article that made a theory about you and Lauren. I saw that when I was in a club." She said, there weren't any hostility in it, just factual. But even so, that didn't make me feel any less guilty for being the reason for it.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't know they would catch up that fast. I mean, when we were together, we were as transparent as a glass and no one batted an eye. And now, one hug and all hell froze."

She laughed, a genuine one. "Yeah, it's okay. I get it, seriously. You guys never said your 'goodbyes'. There were no closure. She's the girl that got away." She just said warmly.

Did I also tell you that she's smart and understanding? Yeah, she is.

She's basically Lauren and me in one, I would date her too - but that would too weird.

We talked about random stuffs a bit more, all the awkward tension gone out the window. You would be surprised if I told you that she was the fiancé of my ex. We genuinely clicked. There were no uncomfortableness or spite, just respect.

After a few hours of just talking, we decided to go back to our own hotel. We said our goodbyes with a hug and soon went our way.

Maybe Lauren and I could be actually be friends - since Lucy and I don't have any bad bloods.

Too Close To Home (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now