13: Art Called Love [V] // OneShot

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Iiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhh...!" I tried my best to suppress my shriek. I should act mature.. I just feel that I should act like one haha

I feel like I shouldn't make it obvious that it's just my first time coming in here..

I looked through the walls with such awe. These are paintings of the best artists in our country! aaaaaaahhhhh! How can I not be excited?! >3<

I was busy gazing up at a painting when I suddenly heard a sound of a camera makes when you shoot.

"Hey! That's not allowed!" I scolded the guy who took a picture. I was fuming mad that I stomped through my way to him. You need to respect the rules in this art museum and no one should break it!

He panicked and it's obvious that he don't know what to do.. Hmph!

"I'm sorry miss.." He apologized and scratched the back of his head "You must have misunderstood me.. Look" He stated and pulled up his I.D. lace..

"I'm a photography student at xxx and I was invited to take pictures of this museum.. It is for commercial use and I have the permission of the personnels. They were the ones who invited me" He explained and smiled after.

He's also studying at xxx... Wait... He's... No. I have no idea who he is.

"Wow.. You must be good to be good to be invited here by them.. Who are you?" I said like a police, interrogating a suspect. I leveled my gaze with his eyes.

"I-I'm Kim Jihyun" He introduced as he stood up straight. There was a slight blush coming out on his cheeks. He's baffled hahahaha 

"Sorry Mr. Kim, I was just joking around. Come on, chill" I stated in between my laughs. "By the way, I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you." I introduced and offered him a handshake.

"The pleasure is mine.." He said as we shake our hands.

We did wandered and look through the paintings together.. I told him some informations about these paintings.. Most of the time I'm the one who's talking.

"... Actually, they also invited me--" I was interrupted because a woman at mid-forties called Kim Jihyun

"Mr. Kim, we shall see the photographs." She stated. She also noticed me so I waved at her

"Ah! Ms. (Y/N), I hope you considered our request" she said and bowed. I was flustered

"Miss, it's okay. The pleasure's mine" I responded and also bowed. I also nudged Kim Jihyun

"A-ah! Shall we go now?" Jihyun intruded

"Oh! Haha! Excuse us, Ms. (Y/N)." The woman excused them. I nodded and smiled. I also noticed that Jihyun glanced at me before he continued walking


"AAAAAAAHHHHH WHY DO I ACCEPTED MUCH PROJECTS?!" I whispered under my breathe as I ruffled my hair at frustration.

I'm having a mind block. There are no ideas coming in my mind! 😭 What am I gonna do?!

I impatiently flick my pen as I force myself to have a great idea when someone put something in front of me. It was a cup of coffee.

I looked at this person and the blue haired guy that I met on the art museum surprised me.

"Long time no see" he said as he smiles and sat at the seat in front of me

"Ah.. Hahahaha... Yeah.. How are you?" I asked and tried to smile

"I've been good.. But, you seem like in trouble. Aren't you?" He stated. I was actually surprised as he can say it..

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