Chapter 7

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Lucy paced on the second floor of the guild. "LISTEN UP!" She shouted, getting everyone's attention.

"Firewing Crescent is planning something big. We need a plan to fight them." She said.

Nashi, Luke, Jeremy, Emily, and Storm and Sylvia were nearest to where Lucy was and Nashi stood up.

"Me, Luke, Jeremy, and Emily devised a plan for our stations in the battle." She said, taking out a long scroll of paper.

She laid it on the table and unrolled it, it taking up the whole table. "Asuka, Gildarts, Macao, Nab, and Cana will be out on the front and the top of the guild, protecting the outside. Max, Laki, Evan, Sylvia, and Nova will guard the water side of the town. Making sure that there won't be any surprise attacks from the water." She explained.

"The rest of us will be in the guild, Emily, Reiki, and Uncle Zeref will work on very strong enchantment runes to protect the town as long as possible while we evacuate them. If something goes wrong, we'll all be inside the guild to fight them." She concluded, looking at her mother for approval.

Lucy nodded, smiling at her daughter. "Then that's the plan. Everyone prepare to evacuate Magnolia." She said. "If my calculations are correct, Firewing Crescent will come in two days times so we better hurry." Mavis said from the center of the guild.

"LET'S GO! NO TIME TO WASTE!" Lucy yelled.


"Luke, if anything goes wrong, I want you to go to the counsel. We'll need all the help we can get." Lucy said as they were ushering all of the citizens out of the town.

"But I should stay here and help you!" Luke exclaimed. "No buts Luke, if you go back, make sure to get enough guards to control Firewing Crescent." Lucy said, putting a hand on Luke's shoulder.

Luke finally nodded and continued helping the people evacuate.


Everyone has been on high alert since the evacuation.

"Guys, I see them." Asuka whispered as she put her high powered binoculars down from her face.

"How far away?" Nashi asked. "A little bit outside the city. They should be here in a few hours." Asuka said, climbing down from her post.

Nashi nodded, a sudden determined look on her. "I'll go inform everyone. We should be preparing. You should keep on lookout. Storm will contact Sylvia and the others." She said while climbing down from the roof.

Asuka nodded, putting the binoculars back in front of her eyes.

"GUYS! LISTEN UP!" Nashi shouted. All attention turned to her. "FIREWING CRESCENT IS COMING. EVERYONE GET INTO YOUR BATTLE STATIONS!" Everyone looked at each other, nodded in confirmation and ran to their positions.


"Well, well, well. We meet again Fairy Tail." Kai said, looking smugly at the guild before him. (Hey, thumbs up if you remember who Kai was!)

"Kai Firewing. So good to see you." Lucy said, her voice dripping in sarcasm.

Yes, standing before her was Kai Firewing. The guild master of Firewing Crescent. Like the name wouldn't give it away or something.

Kai scoffed, "Don't be so pessimistic Lucy." He drawled out.

"Why would you want to fight us again Kai?" Lucy asked, more like, demanded.

"Let's just say I have something, more like some people in my possession." He said quite boastfully.

"And that is?" Lucy asked. Kai waved his arm and a scenery appeared in front of all of them. It was a video of the trapped members looking quite bored and lost of hope.

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