Chapter 3

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"Rahkied, Ayumi, we can't believe you're back!" Nashi yelled as her and Luke ran to their cousins.

The 10 year old girl with black known as Ayumi ran to her cousins. "Hi Nashi! I missed you!" She yelled as she hugged Nashi, completely ignoring Luke. (*Deep voice* DENIED! Okay, I'll go now😂)

"What am I? Spam?" Luke asked while opening his arms out for a hug. "No, but you eat a ton of it." Ayumi said. "THAT WAS ONE TIME!" Luke shouted.

Let's just say that Luke and 10 pounds of spicy spam do not mix.

If you do mix them however, two words:

Guild, ashes.

That's all you need to know😅.

"And that's the only time you're touching spicy spam again!" Lucy shouted from the bar.

"So old geezer, how've you been?" Luke asked Rahkied. "I'm not old! I'm twenty nine! FYI." Rahkied said in a matter of factly tone.

"And that's old in my eyes." Luke said smugly. "Then how old am I?" Lucy, Mavis, and Zeref asked threateningly.

Luke shivered and nervously shouted. "You guys haven't aged at all! Mom doesn't even look a day over 20!"

"It's because we haven't aged." Zeref and Mavis said.

"Then why were you asking?!" Luke shivered. "Dunno." They both replied at the same time.

Luke sweatdropped. 'What just happened right now?' He thought.

"Hey Master, have you ever thought about taking a break from the guild? You're looking exhausted right now." Rahkied pointed out.

"No, no, I'm fine. Plus, who would I leave in charge of the guild while I'm gone?" Lucy pointed out.

"It's all right. Just leave your fellow Dragneels to handle it." Rahkied said proudly.

"Really? Last time I checked, none of you wanted to be master of the guild. What makes you say that the guild will be in good hands?" Lucy asked, crossing her arms.

"Pssh, we can handle it. Plus, Mavis here was the first guild master after all. We can handle things." Zeref explained.

"Hmm, can you guys at least watch over Luke and Nashi while I'm gone?" Lucy asked, slightly giving in.

"Absolutely! Please Lucy, you need to take a break." Mavis pleaded.

Lucy sighed, giving in. "Fine. I'll go on a little vacation. I'll entrust the guild to you guys." She said.

"Yosh!" The couple (Zeref and Mavis) exclaimed.

"Okay Lucy, hurry up, pack, and get on the train!" Mavis and Zeref said quickly as they literally pushed Lucy out of the guild.

"O-okay guys. You better keep the guild safe!" Lucy shouted as Zeref and Mavis shut the guild doors in Lucy's face.

Lucy sighed and made her way to her house.

Mavis clapped her hands together and smiled at the guild that was actually silent for once.

"Okay everyone! I've estimated that Lucy will be back in time for her birthday so let's start planning it!" She yelled.

She looked at the calendar. June 20. July 1st was Lucy's birthday so they had plenty of time to plan her birthday party.

"I'll bake the cake!" Nova exclaimed.

"We'll make some pretty ice sculptures!" The Fullbuster twins exclaimed.

And so on. The Dragneel family smiled at each other as they were beginning to plan Lucy's party.

"She's gonna be so surprised!" Luke exclaimed. "She sure will!" Nashi said. "And don't tell anything to her okay guys?" She asked her keys. The keys glowed and Loke came out.

"Don't worry guys, I've also told your mom's spirits to keep it a secret." He said. "Awesome! Thanks uncle Loke!" Nashi said as she highfived him.

"Let's make this one of Lucy's best birthdays ever!" Zeref exclaimed. The guild cheered, obviously happy.

But, there is something more sinister happening on the sidelines.


"HAHAHAHA!" A mysterious man laughed maniacally as he walked down to his chambers.

"Hehe, the plan will work soon." He whispered as he looked at the trapped Fairy Tail wizards in a gigantic, glass like cell.

"YOU BASTARD LET US GO!" Natsu yelled as he punched the glass.

10 years. It's been 10 years since they've been trapped in this prison.

The man was only silent as he smirked at the mages angry at him.


The man silently chuckled to himself as he walked away.

"That little fucker is going down, once we get out of here." Gajeel muttered.

"I wonder what happened to our kids." Levy whispered, wiping her eyes.

Everyone wondered, thinking what had happened in the decade they were gone.

"Well, master, when are we going to get out of this dump?" Gray asked Natsu, who was sitting on the floor.

"Soon, then we'll be able to see our kids again." Natsu said. "And I'll be able to see Luce and the kids again." He whispered to himself.

Little did they know, it would only be two years until that day will come.



Homework has been hell and I still need to finish my essay and my math homework but I'm gonna procrastinate and not do it until tomorrow and Monday
┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Also! For any BTS fans reading this. Are you alive?

Are you still alive after you watched the tour trailer? Cause I am sure as hell I'm not.

JUNGKOOKIE STOP!!! I was silently cursing myself as I watched the trailer like 5000 times.

My inner fangirl always comes out when BTS is mentioned, don't judge meh “ψ(`∇´)ψ

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