chapter 23

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The hall was crowded with the students who were wearing tuxedos and dresses. Krystal held onto Amber’s arm while walking on the coloured carpet while the photographers were taking their pictures and others too. A bright smile plastered on Amber’s face as the love of his live was clinging onto him during the event. They bumped into their friends in the hall when Amber and Krystal were finding the vacant seats.
“Look what we got here. This two came together. Wohoooooo” Minho cheered and made two blushed.
“Why you didn’t tell us that you’re coming with oppa?” Sulli asked Krystal but Amber helped to reply instead.
“Well, I just ask her this afternoon when I send them home” Amber said while scratching the back of his head.
“It’s okay, everyone. Let’s have a site first before the dance started” Onew exclaimed and welcomed Luna to sit beside him. They were chatting about every single thing that crossed their minds at that moments and didn’t realise that the dance started already. Amber was the one who acknowledged it quickly get up and invited Krystal to dance with him. The song was a slow one. Amber took the lead by holding onto one of Krystal’s hands and the other one; he put it at her waist.
“Am I really handsome?” Amber asked me after he noticed I was staring him during the slow dance.
“Not at all” I looked away.
“Then, why were you staring at me just now?” He questioned.
“Itt’s just your face ha…ve a. dirt, yeah dirt” I stuttered. Gosh, why am I stuttering?
“Really? Eventhough I’m ugly..” Amber tried to see my face when I was lowering my head.
“But you’re beautiful, Soojung. For me, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever meet in my life” Amber told me making me looked up to face him. He was grinning happily.
“Stupid” I playfully hit his chest.
“If you kept teasing me, I’ll give you an unexpected answer” I continued.
“Don’t do that, Soojungs. I promised I will stop” He frowned and pouted. I laughed at his childishness. After dancing for a while with Amber, he excused himself to the toilet. I took a sit at the table with my friends while waiting for him. Suddenly, Kai came and approached me.
“Krystal, can we go outside for a while? I need to tell you something?” He asked me. I nodded since he’s friend too. He went first and I followed behind. The air was quite chilling out here.
“What is it, Kai?” I smiled at him.
“You knew I’ve been keeping this for a long time and since today maybe the last day we met I wanted to confess, Krys. I like you, Krystal. Would you be my girlfriend and wife in the future? I didn’t care about your son and I understand that he needed a father. I will love him Krys as much I love you” He kneeled down while showing a small box.
“Kai, please get up first.” He got up.
“Thanks for liking me but I already liked someone else. I don’t like him but I love him very much” I told Kai and he was shocked hearing my statement.
“Who’s the lucky guy?” He asked.
“The father of my child. He’s back, Kai and he proposed me already.” I replied.
“Ohhh, nevermind. I actually already expected a rejection from you” He laughed and put back the box inside his pocket.
“I’m sorry” I mumbled.
“Don’t be, Krystal. It’s not your fault at all” He replied.
“Can I ask one favour from you?” He asked me and I nodded.
“Can I get a goodbye kiss from you?” He continued. Goodbyes kiss for a friend. It’s not a big deal for me since he’s my close friend after all. I nodded and he slowly leaned closer to my face. It’s just a peck and maybe it last for a while. Later, I hugged him before went inside back.
I didn’t see Krystal when I got out from the toilet.
“Where’s Krystal” I asked Taemin, Sulli and Minho.
“She’s at outside, hyung. With Kai” Taemin replied.
“I’m going to get my answer now” I exclaimed and they cheered for me. I don’t know why my heart beats faster. I walked outside slowly and peeked through the door. My heart shattered seeing Krystal didn’t even pull out when Kai slowly leaned his face to kiss her. It’s looked like she was anticipating for the kiss as I saw she closed her eyes. She didn’t let me kiss her that way. The kiss last for a while and I clenched my fist when Krystal hugged Kai. She never tries to hug me before. Now, I got it. Kai asked Krystal to become his girlfriends and then she agreed so that’s why they were kissing and hugging. Heartbroken- no one could see how badly my heart hurts. I ran towards the toilet and washed my face.
“Did you get your answer already, bro” Minho came into the toilet.
“I got it already. I saw my answers” I replied.
“You saw what?” He questioned.
“She was kissing and hugging that Kai at outside” I smile faintly as I leaned against the wall.
“I’ll be going first. Don’t tell the others except our buddies. If they asked why I left early, tell them my Dad suddenly called me” With that I went out from the hall and drove back. Since it’s still early, I thought about Aiden who can’t sleep just now. So, I decided to see him. I never tucked him in the bed before. I was greeted by Mrs.Jung who seemed bothered when she can’t make her grandson went to bed.
“Amber, why are you here? Where’s Krystal?” She questioned.
“You knew Mrs.Jung. It’s going to be last night I’m in here so I wanted to spend it with my son. Krystal still at the party” I replied. Mrs.Jung nodded and left to get Aiden for me but suddenly, Aiden ran towards me and hugged my legs.
“Daddddy, I can’t shleep without Mummmyy now” He told me and I took him in my arms.
“Let’s played at the backyard for a while” Then we went to the backyard. I just wanted to spend my precious time with my lovely son. There was a loud sound of giggling, laughing and screaming as Aiden and I played various types of games.
“Daddddyyy, hahhh..hahh I’m tiwed. I wanted to shleep” He panted and I carried him in my arms while patting his back so that he quickly fell asleep. Aiden was wrapping his arms around my neck tightly.
Onew and Luna were the one who send me home since Amber left me without telling me. I saw his car in front of my house. I was walking with anger inside me. I stormed into the house and found him carrying Aiden is his arm. I was about to yell at him but he noticed me first and put a finger at his mouth telling me to keep quiet. I forgot, Aiden can’t sleep just now. Seeing how Amber cared for Aiden made my heart softened and didn’t dare to scold him. I walked towards him and he asked me to lead him to Aiden’s room which is mine too. He tucked Aiden in the bed and sat beside him. I could see from his eyes that he loved Aiden so much. I just watch them from the door.
“Hey, I’m sorry if I left you earlier” He came to me.
“I wanted to take Aiden out tomorrow in the morning and I told him already.” He continued.
“It’s okay. Luckily, Onew and Luna gave me a ride. You can take him out with you” I replied and he just kept staring at me.
“I knew I’m really beautiful” I exclaimed and made him looked away from him.
“Yes. You’re really gorgeous” He chuckled and pinched my cheeks. He made me blushed.  Fortunately, my cheeks already redden the moment he pinched them.
“Amber, about the answer of your proposal. The answer is……” Yes.
“Don’t give the answer. I got it already. I saw it” He smiles faintly.
“What do you meant?” I asked him and laughed fakely.
“Soojung, can I hug you now?” He asked me back even he didn’t answer yet my question.
“Yes” I replied short and he quickly hugged me. Then, I hugged him back. We hugged for a long time and then, he hid his face on the crook of my neck.
“I love you” He muttered on my neck and kept repeating it.
“Thank you” He broke our hug and went outside immediately. I don’t understand him. He told me that today is the deadline but he didn’t want to know the answer straight from me.

My Son's Daddy is BackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz