chapter 19

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Now, Aiden and I are sitting in an open ice-cream bar in the mall. I figured out that if his Mummy is still searching for him too then there are no used if we went after her too. It’s better if we stayed at a place. I was busy eating ice cream when suddenly Aiden screamed.
“Mummyyyyyyyyyyy” He got up from his seat and I followed after him. Then I saw he was hugging a lady. Wait! I didn’t believe what I was seeing. The lady Aiden called Mummy just now is…… Soojung? She was staring deeply at me.
Soojung is Aiden’s Mummy. Then, who is he Daddy? Wait. Is it me? Aiden is 3 years old and we did it 4 years ago. It made sense.
“Dadddddddddddy, this ishh my pwetty Mummy” Aiden called me towards him and Krystal.
“Mummyy, this ish Daddyyy” Aiden continued.
“Soojung, is this your biological child” I asked Krystal.
“Dadddy, chu knew my Mummy” He questioned and I nodded.
“He is OUR biological son, AMBERR” Tears rolled down her cheeks. I didn’t shock hearing it. First, my Mum already asked me about Krystal getting pregnant and I’m prepared already. Second, that’s why I easily got a long with Aiden.
“Mummmyy, why awe chu cwying?” Aiden asked Krystal.
“Soojung, doesn’t cry like this” I took Aiden into my arms and wiped her tears using my thumb. Then I hugged her on my right side since I was carrying Aiden on my left side.
“I hate yoouuu, Amber Liu” She was punching softly on my chest.
“I’m sorry, Soojung. I’m sorry. I love you” I kissed her hair while hugging her tightly. I turned to my left and saw confused Aiden.
“I love you, my son” I kissed Aiden.
“I love chu too, Dadddddy. Chu loves Mummy too?” I nodded and he hugged my neck.
“Why ish Mummy cwying?” He asked me again.
“I’ll tell you later. Let sit first” I dragged Krystal with me.
Finally, I told him the truth. After all years, I tried to hide about Aiden from him but seeing how close they’re today. I knew Amber really loves him with all his heart. When I cried he pulled me into the hug, and kept saying “I’m sorry and I love you”. Then he dragged me to a bench. I was sitting beside him with Aiden on his lap. Aiden was busy licking his ice cream bought by Amber.
“Why you didn’t tell me when you’re pregnant 4 years ago?” He asked.
“I afraid that you’re going to reject me because I knew you didn’t want to become a father at a young age” I replied.
“I admitted I don’t want to be a young father but it was years ago. At the same it was my fault forcing you to do it. You told me I was drunk. I want to be responsible for what I did” He responded.
“You didn’t really force me though, Amber” I looked up at him.
“I did it because I love you at that time. You don’t have to be responsible on me, Amber.” I continued.
“I love you too, Soojung” He held my hand.
“I wanted to take the responsible because I really love you. All this years, I’ve been searching for you but my Dad forbids me to do it because he wanted me to focus on my study. He promised me to help me to find you. I swore Soojung I did find you after that night and never gave up on you.” He explained.
“Amber, can you please give me more times. I need to think about it first” I told him and saw his eyes saddened.
“I understand. I don’t care how much time you will take. As long as you still will come back to me” He smiled.
“Dadddyy, Mummyy. What wewe chuu talking about? I want another ice cweam.” Aiden interrupted us. We laughed at his clumsiness eating ice cream.
“Here, let me wipe your face first. My baby is so clumsy” Aiden giggled.
“We should tell Aiden the truth. I wanted you to tell him so he won’t be confused” Amber told me and tightens his held on my hand. He put Aiden on my lap.
“Aiden, do you want to know why Mummy cried just now?” He nodded.
“Your real Daddy is back” I continued.
“Weallllly? Whewe ishhhhh he?” His eyes widen and lot anticipation can be seen in his eyes.
“Your real Daddy is hyung, Aiden. It’s me” Amber exclaimed.
“Ishh it twue, Mummmy?” He asked me and I nodded while patting his head.
“Yayyyyyyyyy. My wisssh come twuee” He jumped into Amber’s embraced and hugged him tightly.
“Dadddddddy, why chu never chee me before? I weally mishhhed chu” Aiden told Amber.
“I’m sorry Aiden~ah. I won’t leave you again” I told him while looking at Krystal. Since both of our parents left us at the mall without any transport so we went home by a bus. Waittttt! I think something fishy about our parents.
Did they intentionally leave us…
“Dadddyyy” Aiden pinched my nose making me startled.
“Why awe chu spaching out?” He asked me and I saw Krystal giggled beside me. Now I felt like a family. I have cute little boy on my lap and beautiful wife by my side.
“I’m thinking when I can live together with you guys” I replied.
“NOWWW!! TODAYYYY!!” He exclaimed happily meanwhile Krystal elbowed my chest.
“Daddy can’t live with us because we’re not married yet. Understood, honey?” Krystal touched Aiden’s nose.
“Thennnnn, Daddy and Mummy get mawwied fastew and give me bwother or sistew” Aiden cheered. Krystal and I blushed hearing Aiden’s wish. I was very happy indeed.
“Soojung” I smirked.
“Let’s get married faster and make a lot of babies for Aiden” I giggled and received a smack on the back of my head. She was blushing and turned her face away from me.
“I never tell you that I wanted to marry you” Krystal replied while staring out of the window. Aiden pouted.
“How could you, Soojung? But don’t worry, Aiden. Daddy is going to make sure that Mummy is going to marry me and MADE A LOT OF BABIES LATER” I just realised I screamed at the last part. Passengers in the bus were giggling looking at us. I scratched the back of my head and kept saying ‘sorry’ while bowing.
“Dork” Krystal said and Aiden giggled.
“Daddy, shometimes chu looked like Llama too” He kept giggling.
“A handsome dorkBer and Llama” I stated proudly.
“STUPID” Krystal muttered.
“Aiden alcho handshome likew Daddy” He exclaimed proudly.
“No, baby. You’re much cuter and handsomer” Krystal responded.
“Soojung, I’m your baby too” I tried to cuddle with her but received a slap on my arm making Aiden chuckled.
“Poor, Daddy” He soothed the pain on my arm. We waited for everyone to get out from the bus. Suddenly, there is a grandmother who approached us.
“Aigoo. Two of you are suitable together and your son is cute too. Here take this ginseng” She passed Krystal a plastic bag.
“Boiled it and gave it to your husband. Even a tame cat could turn into a wild tiger after drinking it. Young man, be gentle to your wife” She winked at me.
“Haelmonnnni” I called her but she ignored me. I turned to my left and see Krystal was blushing very hard. I thought the temperature getting hot here.
“Let’s board off the bus” I carried Aiden while holding tight on Krystal’s hand. It’s getting awkward when the journey to her house was silence since my son was sleeping. When we arrived at her house’s compound, Aiden woke up and I decided to send them at the main door.
“Daddy going back first. See you again tomorrow” I put Aiden down and patted his head. Krystal was still holding the plastic bag which the grandmother gave to her. She passed it to me but I pushed it away.
“Bring this ginseng back with you” She told me but I shook my head.
“You kept it. Maybe we can use it later during our honeymoon” I smirked and received a punch on my stomach.
“Ouchhhh” I yelped in pain.
“Why are you too harsh on me? I’m just telling the truth” I chuckled
“FINE” She replied and I smiled at her.
“Daddy, good bye kisshh pirst” Aiden asked and I kneeled down to give him a peck on cheek.
“Mummmmyy, give Dadddy a good bye kishh too” He was pulling Krystal’s skirt. At first she resist but seeing how Aiden didn’t stop bothering her finally she gave me a kiss. She was about to give me a peck on cheek but I turned my head facing her making our lips touched. Aiden who was innocent closed his eyes.
“AMBERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!” Krystal yelled at me and I ran away.
“Byeeeeeeee Dadddddddyyy” Aiden screamed too.
That’s my son and future wife. I swear I won’t give up until she officially become my wife. Such a meaningful day is today.
The parents were watching how the family reunited. They felt relieved finally they met.
“They already met up but Amber still didn’t officially propose her” Mr.Liu stated.
“I will talked to Amber to propose her earlier” Mrs.Liu replied and her husband nodded.
“Liu, what if Krystal didn’t accept his proposal even after the prom night?” Mr.Jung asked.
“Like I said before, Amber by hook or by crook need to leave for US on the next day” Mr.Liu responded.
“Krystal is quite stubborn to admit in front of Amber even she loves him so much.” Mrs.Jung said. After all, the parents still hope those two will be together because they knew how much both of them love each other and Aiden also needs both of them as his parents.

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