chapter 22

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Tomorrow will be the last night I’m in Korea. And tomorrow also I will get my exam’s result. And that night Krystal will give me her answer. My friends already have their partner but I’m not. There are girls asked me to be with them but I declined properly. I wanted to ask Krystal but I bet there are lots of boys were asking her to the prom especially Kai. Since, I didn’t talk a lot to her lately; I didn’t have courage to ask her. Poor me.
“Why are you spacing out?” Minho asked me.
“He must be thinking about Krystal. No one else can make him spaced out all day” Jonghyun exclaimed and I nodded.
“What’s wrong, hyung?” Taemin asked.
“Should I ask Krystal for the prom night but I’m afraid she had someone already. You knew who” I replied sarcastically.
“Ohh, Kai. He’s not harm, Am. He’s nothing compared to you.” Onew tried to flatter me but it didn’t work.
“He did. He made Krystal laugh where I never afford to do that” I sighed.
“It’s not that I never try to make her laugh but it just doesn’t work. I’m not capable to do so.” I continued.
“Hey, don’t give up brotha. Okay?” Minho patted my shoulder.
“You should try asking her to the prom. Who’s knows maybe she didn’t have partner too, hyung” Taemin told me.
“Okay. I’ll ask her tomorrow” I replied.
Finally, our results were out and pasted on the notice board. Amber is the top 1 student while me just that average students. The prom is tonight but he still didn’t ask me. Besides, I also didn’t know whether he’s going or not. I saw Key and Minho were pacing through the hallway because they’re preparing the hall for tonight. Today I even didn’t see Aiden’s shade at the college after we came to here together. Where is he? Since we’re allowed to leave early today, I walked to Aiden’s kindergarten alone.
“Mummmmmmmmmmmmmy” Aiden screamed as he saw me.
“Whewe ishh Daddy?” He asked.
“Daddy had……….”
“I’m hereeee” I turned behind and saw Amber walking towards us.
“Dadddyyyyyyyy” Aiden ran to him and Amber carried Aiden in his arms. I looked at him speechlessly.
“Where have you been this morning?” I asked him.
“Let’s talk after we reached at your house later” He replied and held my hand while walking to his car. As usual, he will send us at the main door. Umma came and took Aiden for washing him first. This father and son sweetly bid a farewell between each other with kisses and hugs. When I was about to enter the house too, Amber immediately grabbed my wrist.
“Wait here for a while” He stated and ran to his car. He came back to me with his hand behind his back.
“I went out this morning to find this. I knew you liked it” He showed up the flowers behind him. It’s my favourite flowers and it’s very hard to find it in Seoul because it is very expensive and rare.
“How did you know I liked it?” I questioned.
“Your Umma told me when I tried to figure things that you unable to reject. Take it. It’s for you” I took the flowers in my hand.
“Thanks, Am” I mumbled.
“Welcome and ermmm… W….ill you be my date for tonight?...” Oh God. Finally he dared to ask me while stuttering.
“If you still didn’t have partner yet” He continued and I nodded. His eyes brighten and he smiled broadly.
“I’ll pick you up at 7” He hugged me before leave.
“And Soojungggg. I hope you had prepared your answer if you remembered” He winked at me as he started his car’s engine and drove away.
Of course I already prepare the answer.
I had bought just a simple white dress for the prom with my friends last week. I got 5 hours to dress up for tonight. I showered at 5pm and get dressed around 6.30pm. I didn’t spend too much time on make up because those make up isn’t my thingy because I just love simple make up. As I was waiting for Amber in the living room, Aiden came and talked to me. He told me that he couldn’t sleep without me beside him. I told him that I’m going home by 12 so it’s much better if he went to sleep with my Umma. While Aiden was trying to persuade me to accompany him to sleep the doorbell rang indicating Amber’s coming. The front door was opened by the maid and I was amazed seeing a handsome creature in tuxedo. He approached Aiden and me in the living room.
“Amber, Aiden wanted me to accompany him sleeping” I was jokingly reported to Amber.
“Dadddyyy, can I?” Aiden asked Amber.
“I’m sorry Aiden but can you let me have your Mummy only for tonight. Pweaseee” Amber was begging Aiden and even tried to pronounce the ‘please’ like Aiden. Seeing his father acting like him making Aiden giggled and he nodded. Then, Umma came and took Aiden to his room. We gave Aiden kisses before we left.
“May I have this honour to arm lock with you, Princess?” He asked me.
“Yes you may, Servant” He frowned. Seeing his frown made me chuckled.
“Why I’m your Servant?” He pouted while opened the passenger’s door for me.
“Because you’re the one” I replied after he entered the car.
“Only for now and after tonight I’ll become your Prince” He smirked.
“Who said so?” I questioned.
“You will, right?” He asked me back.
“Don’t know yet” I replied and he looked shocked. I knew he really hope that I’m going to say yes tonight and of course I will. I was teasing him only just now.

My Son's Daddy is BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora