chapter nine

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This morning when I was wandering behind the hall, I spotted Krystal walking alone.
Just my luck.
“Soojunggggggggg” I called her and she stopped but didn’t turn around. So I walked towards her and stood in front of her. She looked away when I stared at her. Then I held her shoulders and her face were shocked.
“Why are you acting like you don’t know me? Why are you ignoring me, Soojung” I asked her but she just kept her mouth shut.
“Did you forget about me?” I asked her again but no respond at all.
“Sooojung” I hugged her and caressed her hair.
“Don’t you remember what happened between us?” I questioned her.
“NOO!” she told me coldly and broke the hug.
“I don’t want to remember what happened. It’s just a mistake. You’re drunk” she said.
“No, I don’t’ regret doing it because I like you.” I explained.
“It’s not important anymore. I’m ashamed on what I’ve done with you. Seeing you again are the most things that I don’t want” She told me.
“Why? What I’ve done to you except doing ‘that thing’?” I asked her and hugged her again. This time I didn’t let her go even she was trying to pull away by pushing my chest.
“Amber, please. Let me go before I screamed” She told me.
He really didn’t want to let me go as I felt he tighten his hug. To be honest I felt very calm when he hugged me but I really don’t want him to come back in my life. I kept pushing him away until I felt someone push him away from me.
I saw Amber was lying on the floor. Kai came and punched him just now.
“Why are you hugging her?” he screamed and Amber got up. Kai pulled me toward him and held my wrist.
“Who are you to scold me for hugging Krystal?” Amber asked Kai and I knew he was staring at our hands. He clenched his fist. I tried to pull away but Kai resisted. Kai looked at me.
“She’s my girlfriend and of course I don’t like any guy especially stranger hug her” I look at Kai while he was facing Amber.
I knew Kai just wanted to help me.
“I don’t believe you” He walked towards us.
“This girl. She’s mine before this, now and forever” Amber exclaimed while grinning.
“I won’t lose her to you and please let go of her hand before I punched you back.” he continued. I pull away from Kai.
“Soojung, please. I really wanted to talk to you” He begged.
“No. I won’t allow my girlfriend talked to you.” Kai responded.
“It’s okay, Kai. I can handle this. Can you leave us alone” I told Kai and he left. At first he rejected it but I reassured him that I will be fine. Amber pulled me to the nearest bench. There was silent between us.
“Is he really your boyfriend?” he broke the silence.
“No but he was trying too. I might gave him the chance since he was really nice towards me” I replied and I saw hurts in Amber’s eyes.
“Why don’t you give me the chance, Soojung?” He questioned me.
“Why should I? You abandoned me after what happened. “Tears start to swollen eyes.
“I didn’t. Looked Soojung. I can explain” he told me when I lifted my butt from the bench.
“No, you don’t have too.” I ran away from him. I heard he screamed calling my name. I quickly hide myself when I knew he was running after me.
You don’t how much hurt my heart when Aiden grew up without a father.
Krystal will never know how much I did to find her years ago. I skipped school to find her and when I asked for my parents helped they told me to finish my studies first or I shall never meet her again. They will helped me to find her. You don’t know Krystal how much I love you since high school. I need to do something. Kai already confessed to her and she said she might consider Kai to be her boyfriend. I’m not going to let that happened. 

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