chapter 15

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Mrs. Liu was busy talking to the phone with Mrs.Jung. The moment when she ended her conversation, his husband came out from the bathroom. Then, they laid on the bed while watching television.
“Honey, just now Mrs.Jung called me.” Mrs.Liu told her husband.
“How is my grandson and soon-to-be-daughter-in-law? It has been a long time we saw Aiden” He replied.
“Both of them are fine. Honey, when we are going to set up Amber’s marriage with Krystal. It has been 4 years already. We have to hook up them faster.” She told him.
“I’m planning their wedding after they graduate. Maybe few months from now.” I replied to my wifey.
“Mrs.Jung told me that Krystal didn’t want Amber to come back in her and Aidens’ life anymore because he didn’t find her after what happened” She responded.
“Really!!?? We need to explain about that at her later. But knowing that Amber is still trying to get Krystal back now, I believed he can do it.” I replied.
“But I’m still worried. I assumed he didn’t know about his son existence. What if Amber can’t accept his son? You knew him; Amber didn’t want to be a father at a young age. That’s why we still need to hook up three of them together.” She saddened.
“Don’t think too much about. Leave this matter to me & Mr.Jung. We’re doing this for our kids own goods” I reassured her.
“Now go to sleep” I kissed her forehead.
I never let Amber went after Krystal because I wanted him to focus on his study and he did it successfully. The time has come. Three of them should be reunited before it’s too late. I believed in my son. I know that he will make Krystal fall in love with him again because they love each other from the beginning. I don’t want to lose my grandson. Yes. All this years, I’ve been contacting the Jungs and they agreed to let Krystal marries to Amber after they graduate but I never thought that Krystal changed her heart. Sometimes, my wife and I secretly went to see Aiden without Krystal’s knowledge. Our grandson really looked like Amber.
I yawned and went to sleep since I got meetings to be handled tomorrow.
I’m thinking to ask Krystal to be my date for the upcoming prom. Maybe it’s still early. Then, I will ask her later. I spotted Krystal with Sulli in the library when I entered it. As usual, Taemin was sticking with Sulli all the time at the corner of the wall. God, I envied them because they loved each other and I’m here still trying to make Krystal loves me back. Since, it’s still early there are only four of us in the library so I gathered up my courage to approach her.
“Hye, Soojung.” I said and she looked up. Her eyes are swollen. She looked sick.
“What do you want, Amber? I had told you many times to stay away from me.” She looked down.
“I’m just worried about your ankle. Have it getting better?” I asked her.
“Yes, it’s getting much better. Thanks for helping me last time but sorry because I just left you alone” She responded and I smirked. Well, at least she responded nicely back.
“You’re welcome, Soojung” I patted her head. I don’t know I just love to pat her head whenever she’s being nice with me. I walked away from her because she glared at me.
“Thank you for opening a little bit at me” I mumbled.
“Amberrrrrrrrrr, here.” Taemin called me and I sat at him. Sulli sure is a funny girl. No wonder he liked her that much. How I wished Krystal will also laughed when she’s with me. When we’re finishing our assignments in the library, I could not stop glancing at Krystal for certain times. I looked up again and found no one at her sit.
“I’m going to find any reference books for us, okay” I told them and they just nodded in return. The library is enormous. It’s hard to find Krystal because there a lot of shelves but fortunately I found her in a minute. She was reading books by the shelves. There’re bunch of books which are going to fall on her head. Then, I quickly went to her to prevent the books from falling.
Hearing Amber happily chatting and laughing with Sulli and Taemin made me jealous. Until now, I never laughed together with him. Then, I decided to read books by the shelves because of my unreasonable jealously. As I was busy reading, I felt someone standing very close behind me. I found Amber was preventing the books from falling on my head.
“Thanksss…” I stuttered but he’s just smile stupidly. When I want to make a move, I don’t know how I incidentally fall on top of him. Our faces were very close because I saw our noses touched. I pushed myself up by pressing on Amber’s firm chest.
Amber does have a tough body and still maintained it.
When I got up, I saw Amber grinning happily and he asked my help to pull him up. I wanted to refuse but I was the one who made him fall back. He reached my heart and suddenly my heart beat so fast. It has been a long time I hold this hand.
“Sorry because I fall on you” I mumbled.
“It’s okay, Princess” He patted my head. Lately, Amber always patted my head and I honestly like it even I shot my death glare whenever he did that.
“Next time, be careful. Okay?” He turned around and walked back to Taemin and Sulli while I just followed behind him. I continued doing my works as I heard Amber waved a goodbye at the couple. He stood in front of me and kneels down. I got surprised when he support his chin with both of his hand and stared at me. I was about to get up from my sit but he immediately grab my wrist.
“Please, Soojung. Just sit here. I won’t harm you. Don’t worry I’ll leave after this” I sat back.
“Listen, no matter how much you ignored me and tried to push me away but I will never stop approaching you” He smirked.
“Didn’t I tell you before that we should forget about what happened between us years ago?” I asked.
“How can I forget the beautiful moment with someone I love? I don’t regret at all and I wanted to take the responsibility on you. The truth is I tried to find you after you moved but my Dad forbid me. Trust me, I really love you and kept my word. You’re mine, Jung Soojung” He waved a goodbye with a pure smile and tears rolled down my cheeks.
He tried to find me. Is it true? Can I trust him? Maybe he’s telling the truth. Amber, just give me more times to recover my broken hearted. Sooooon, I’ll accept you back in my life because I stupidly………

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