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C H A P T E R  T W E L V E -

"Stop being such a killjoy!" she ranted, her eyes narrowing in irritation as she grabbed my hand by force and compelled me to follow her in a  certain direction.

I try to shake her grasp away but she was stronger than me, so I defeatedly let her grab me wherever her destination was.

Our foot led us in front of a lovely home, the ambiance was so homey--that you  could feel warmth though it was only the porch. Different types of flowers surrounded the lawn, their contrast of colours captivating the sight. Pink painted walls and it outshines the rest of the neighbour unlike the other beige or white painted houses.

"Are you sure? Isn't this too mean? I mean this house is so lovely I'd be guilty to do something bad," I blurted.

She chuckled and removed her hold from my arm. "Don't let the outside fool you, that woman's a total witch."

My eyebrows scrunched in confusion."What do you mean?"

She rolled her eyes in aggravation. "She's wicked! She's a sadistic, horrible woman!"

"What did she do to you anyway?" I inquired in curiousity. She proceeds to ramble like a whiny child. "She called me fat when I was eleven and stole my candy!"

Apparently, she was acting like a child.

"Aren't you being petty?" I replied and her eyes squint at me in dismay. "How dare you call me petty?! She ruined my self-esteem that day--not that I care, plus I felt like giving her a visit."

"What exactly are you planning to do?" I look at her wearily and she smiles menacingly, her hands clasp together with her face distorting into a psychopath. "We'll do an early Halloween treat for her."

"That look on your face just says it all," I sigh. She winked. "Come on! It'll be fun."


"Where's the eggs?" I retorted after she said her 'masterplan' which totally is a flop, considering she didn't even remember to bring a tray of eggs--not that I want to, but just stating.

She blinked, a sheepishly chuckle came out from her mouth as she scratched the nape of her neck."W-well. ."

I raised a brow. "Well?"

"I forgot," she grinned like the idiot she is. I face-palmed myself in pique due to her idiocrisy. "You're truly a genius, Star," I sarcastically said.

"Hey! Stop acting like you're better than me!" she pouted. "--I may not have the brightest brain but atleast I'm stronger than you!"

"Then, tell me, how are we gonna do this? How about we just head home and call this a day?" I try to convince her since I was truly tired.

"No," she crossed her arms at me. "--infact, I have a more harmless prank."

I tapped my foot impatiently. "And what's that?"

"We'll ring on her doorbell until she gets frustrated," she grinned so wide like it was the greatest plan ever.

"Great," I unethusiastically said. "--Can I go home now? I mean you don't need two people to press the damn doorbell," I immediately added.

She sneered. "No, you're my accomplice from now own, Diaz. You should witness my greatness--our greatness."

I rolled my eyes, letting a loud groan. "You know what? Just go for it. Just get this thing done," she grabs my arm and smiles. "You betcha."


We carefully tiptoed our way towards the side of the house. Fortunately, she didn't bother to own dogs or this plan would have been a lot more handful than usual.

Star glanced at my direction, her mouth quivering, trying to hold a foolish laugh. "Ladies first," she finally spoke and I let out a dry laugh. "Funny Star. Just do it."

She jabbed her elbow at my ribs, to which I wailed in pain."Oww, what the hell Star?!" she glared and ushers me. "Hurry up!"

And with no choice I slowly made my way from the lawn to the front door. I eyed the door, my hands hesitant to press all while seeing Star impatiently motioning her fingers in a pressing way. I sighed and quickly pressed the doorbell while my heart was racing.

I ran fastly towards the side of the house, my heart hammering with anticipation. I admit, it did gave me a rush of ardenline, the anxiety and excitement mixed on my stomach as I waited for the lady to open the door and peer her head.

A seconds later, she did.

Her head popped from the door, her head roaming in directions as she stepped out and we stood back, hiding further so that she wouldn't see us. "CURSED DEMON CHILDREN!"

I winced. She wasn't a kind lady after all.

She slammed the door with so much force that I could feel the ground vibrate for a second before stopping. I wiped a sweat that trickled from my forehead.

"Can we go now?" I spoke but she only smiled sinisterly before rushing in front of the door and pressed the doorbell countless of times.

She ran and hid beside me, covering her mouth to hold her laughter.

When I thought the angry lady was going to appear once more, instead a dog came out.

It was a Dobberman.


I widened my eyes at Star as the dog stepped from the shallow stairs and pressed it's nose from the ground, sniffing a scent that might belong to us.

With my heart palpitating, I hastily grabbed Star's hand as we began to ran and the dog looked upon our way, beginning to run as well.

I shouted profanities while the dog was at our back. I dashed faster as I looked at Star, her hair flying all ovee the place and her laughter entering my ears. Her face glistened in the sunlight that made me realized something.

She was beautiful.

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STARCO BADASS DUO [BADASS SERIES #3] |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now