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C H A P T E R  N I N E -

I glanced at her, baffled about her sudden words.

To be honest it wouldn't be my business to know whether she had been interested with someone or not. Perhaps she doesn't have any friends---considering her havoc lifestyle, to tell her sudden feelings about a certain someone to which I might not even know.

Instead of pointing it out, I settled with."Who?"

She grinned at me sheepishly, her cheeks profusely turning pink by the second, she then proceeded to lift a finger and let it rest on her lips."Secret. It wouldn't be fun if I just outright tell it."

I draw out a sigh, letting my hands get it's way to the back of my head."What was the point of you telling me that?"

She blinked at me, twice infact."Well---I thought you might wanna know. It's rare for Star Butterfly to like someone, it's an honor."

I suddenly let out a laugh that I couldn't hold, this was so stupid, she is stupid--of course."Star, I don't want to know about your love life. I don't mind but do whatever makes your crazy heart happy."

She looked away, her lips pouting."Whatever."

It started to become quiet again, the only thing that could be heard was the noise coming from the television. Star didn't bother to say anything after that and I didn't mind. It felt kinda nice for once.

Unfortunately, the silence didn't linger much longer when the door bursts so loud that I jumped a little, startled. My eyes trailed to the door and two persons step in hastily that they didn't bother closing the door and instead rushed to both of us.

I choked back when one of them hugs me so tightly that I couldn't breathe. I patted their back simultaneously with urgent, I should've gotten used to it but I wasn't, everytime we hug it was always suffocating."Mom, I-I can't br-breathe," I wheezed out hoarsely, trying to find air.

She heard me and finally pulled apart, she inspected my face if there was something wrong, her eyes filled with worry as she raised her hand, trailing her fingers on my face."I'm glad you're alright," she sighed in relief, smiling so faintly.

My head whipped from beside me as I watch my dad and Star have a conversation about something.

It suddenly struck to me like a lighting. If they suddenly went home and hastily hugged us without warning then they must've. .known.

But how?

Don't tell me!

"M-Mom, did you perhaps saw us on television?" I questioned reluctantly. I don't know if she will reprimand me or something but I thought only us and the police knew---apparently not.

"Obviously!" she screeched, her pitch higher than usual.

"What were you two doing at a warehouse?!" Mom looked at both of us with a stern face. I thought I was the only one getting scolded---well not anymore.

"I can expla---"

"I will," Star intejercted, giving me a look that says everything would be fine.

"Marco, I think your parents should know the truth".


"When you said you joined a gang I thought it was all about pranks and stuff, not beating up and involving guns!" she widened her eyes at me.

I stared at her. "Mom, what did you think a gang was?".

She threw her arms up in the air due to exasperation. "Look at yourself Marco, you aren't a thug! It's very evident that you would never act like that!"

I heard Star murmur under her breath."Touchè".

Mom started pointing her finger at me."You've been a bad boy Diaz." she rubbed her temples. "You do know you could've lost your life there! I can't believe you."

"I want you to leave that group immediately or else!" she says with authority.

"They'll kill me!" I cry and she gives me a death glare. "I don't care! I swear I'd get a heart attack because of you. I can't with this right now!"


Star looked at me with amusement in her face, so I get scolded and she doesn't?! She's a real juvenile! I can't believe this. I glared at her."What?!" I snapped, my eyebrows crossed.

She smiled. "You've been a bad boy indeed Diaz," she mocked.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "You little twat."

"It's so unfair how you get to stand there. I'm the victim here! You should get in trouble, you had a freaking gun for pete's sake!"

She crossed her arms at me. "Hey! I saved your ass there, don't you remember?"

"Yeah, yeah but still," I whined like a little bitch. "Just suck it up, stop acting like a little bitch."

"I'm not a little bitch," I grit my teeth. She snickers. "If you only hear yourself, just be grateful you have parents who care about you."

"It would be nice if I ever had something like that," she wistfully said, then heaved. "But we can't always have what we want."

There she goes again, filled with sadness and wishing that if she only had my family. It makes me feel horrible, that I'm like this and how she wants to have something she doesn't. I shut my mouth and grabbed her hand. She looks at me. "I'm pretty sure your family cares about you. If they don't, well you have me."

She gives out a faint smile. "Are you trying to comfort me, Diaz?"

"Am I doing a good job?" I feel her hand clench on mine tighter.


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STARCO BADASS DUO [BADASS SERIES #3] |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now