Chapter 6

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Jungwon's POV

It's the first time I celebrate another person's birthday except my Eomma's. I was happy making a card for Noona with the help of Taehyung Hyung. "Hyung will she like it?" He thought about it and shook his head. I felt a bit down "Just joking, she will like it" I felt myself smile.

I was forced by Hyung to sleep but I can't sleep without Noona's lullaby. I rolled around my bed when I heard my door open. "Jungwon you're supposed to be asleep now" Taehyung Hyung said making me a bit scared because of his deep voice "Hyung can you sing me a lullaby?".

He sang me a lullaby and it was good but Noona was better. I slowly drifted to sleep.

I woke up alone for the first time and it was 4:00 in the morning.

I walked out my room to surprise Noona because it is finally her birthday. I slowly opened her door and it crack open but only small. I heard her cry, I heard her mumble but didn't hear it properly then I opened the door more without hesitating "NOONA HAPPY BIRTHDAY!".

Ji An's POV

I miss him so bad, why did he leave me alone like this? He's supposed to be with me until the end. My tears fell down "I said I won't cry anymore" I hit myself lightly "I shouldn't have believed those promises" I heard the door opened "NOONA HPPY BIRTHDAY!".

I wasn't surprised because I knew he would somehow do this but he was holding something. "Wah did you make it?" He nodded happily "Come here" He went to me and hugged me tight "Noona happy happy birthday" Is it really a happy birthday?

I went down after taking a bath and dressing up. "Ji An Happy Birthday!" Taehyung said making me laugh at his English "What are you laughing about?" I just shook my head "Oh Ji An-ah happy birthday" I smiled "Kamsahamnida" I bowed "NOOOONA~".

Jungwon is so excited about this birthday thingy I agreed to. "Noona what flavor of cake do you like?" I thought about that "I don't really know" Since birth I didn't celebrate with a cake but I do have Seaweed Soup "I will buy any flavor then" Eomma said. I looked at them confused "It's just a birthday and you're all so worked up about it".

They hit me like I was a clueless kid "Yah stop it~" I whined making them laugh "Don't you get it?" I shook my head "Because it was the day you were born or given life" Jungwon said happily "Is life giving really a happy day?" I smiled "Just pretend it is".

Taehyung whispered the weirdest thing in the world Pretend it did? I am bothered because it was the same word that someone would say. I ruffled my hair while walking then a van stopped "Yah we'll get you a ride" I shook my head.

It was J-hope and Suga "I heard from Taehyung" He winked making me cringe. I just gave him a confused look "Your birthday" I smiled and balled my hands into fists "You want to beat him up?" I nodded at what J-hope said "Come here then we'll help you".

I really had no choice, my bag was kidnapped. "I didn't know your bag means a lot" Namjoon laughed making me roll my eyes. I got my board and wrote 'Is there anyone with the same birthday with me?' They looked at Jimin "Park Jimin.." I whispered audible for them.

Their eyes widen at how I said Jimin's name "Good you can control your voice now" I nodded and smiled "Happy..Birthday" He smiled, he's so cute. I went near him and pinched his cheeks "Ow~ What's that for?" I laughed silently "Cute" I shortly said.

I was happy to know someone with the same birthday as me but it is weird Park? "Park?" I looked at myself in my reflection "Wae? What's wrong with Park" I looked at him and smiled "Park Ji An ibnida" They smiled at me "You're learning fast" They all said but J-hope frowned a bit Sorry guys..

J-hope's POV

Seriously what she's doing is a big lie but wait she said it was half the truth. Which is the truth, which isn't. I just frowned but I just heard it now, her last name is Park. It isn't that weird but her name is familiar Park Ji An just who are you?

We are half way there but the van stopped "What happened?" Jin Hyung asked "The engine stopped" Ji An curled in a ball and hid behind Suga Hyung "Are you okay?" Suga Hyung asked her, she shook her head "Get me out of here please" Did she just say that straight?

Was she that scared to even slip? "Yah are you okay?" She shook her head while clutching something "What's that?" I asked making Taehyung open her hand "Are you gonna hurt yourself?" She looked at him confused "Why am I holding this?" She looked at it.

Ji An's POV

Why am I clutching one of my weapons for attack? Why was I in a daze? What the fuck is wrong with me? "Forget about it and enjoy your day okay?" I just nodded at those warm words "What happened to me? Why am I like this?" She shook her head "Only you know, my child".

I don't know, I messed with my hair and my pen fell. "Ms. Park what are you doing?" I looked at the teacher and got my pen 'Listening Ma'am' She nodded while I sighed "Weird people" Taehyung looked at me "Everything alright" I shook my head and accidentally bumped my head on the table.

I heard him chuckle "Kim Taehyung what's funny?" He shook his head in a stoned face "You should relax" I nodded and looked at him "Seonsaengnim it's Ji An AND Jimin's Birthday" Taehyung shouted "I see, are they twins?" Twins? I laughed at that thought "My twin is dead" I whispered loud enough for Taehyung to hear.

He knew I felt down because of the mention of twins. "Yah cheer up it's your birthday" Suga said making funny faces for me to laugh "Just like him" I made myself face the table. I feel the pain but it's useless It still hurts more losing him.

Suga's POV

I can't cheer her up, she seems down about something. After that mention of twin she suddenly faced Taehyung, I saw her lips move but I didn't hear what she said. Speaking of hear, we already know she can talk but we need to act like we don't; we also need explanations.

I saw heard her sigh, I looked at Taehyung and gave him the What's-Wrong Look. He shrugged "Yah cheer up, even Jimin is looking down because of you" J-hope said making her look at us "An-dwae" She talks so cutely but Is this also an act?

I am bothered by her sudden change of mood, this is not like her at all. "Guys" I signaled them to come near me "What's wrong with her?" Jin Hyung asked making Rapmon just nod at his question "She remembered about her twin" Tae sai, we made an O shape with our mouth "Just like Jiminie paboya here" He faked a smile.

No One's POV

This atmosphere is indeed an awkward one, Ji An giving them the silent treatment is the most bad thing. Ji An went to where the principal is and ready to report.

She reached the door and stopped in front of it "Leave" The first word they all heard after like years.

"I need to set an experiment, give me permission".

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