Hurriedly exiting the bathroom and sliding my phone into my back pocket, I bump into Link, my sort of savior during history.

"So, Zelda - still texting that mysterious online crush of yours?" he asks, sticking his tongue out at me. He's such an idiot - and so childish.

I roll my eyes, "I don't have an online crush."

Scoffing, he replies, "Sure, Zelda. Sure."

"I don't!" I protest. Why does he have to be so annoying? "And I can't be late to class, so excuse me," I add in pointedly.

He just laughs before moving to the side, "Be my guest, Zelda."

I just shake my head with a small laugh before continuing on my way past Link and towards my next class.

My phone doesn't buzz the rest of my time at school, which is actually slightly unusual. Normally, it buzzes quite frequently with either comments on my artwork or private messages from my fans and viewers. I guess today's a quiet day.

So, in my next class, I begin doodling on a piece of scrap paper. The lines and squiggles on the page quickly morph into one of my favorite characters from Hylian Fighters - Faye. I actually get my online username, Princess-Faye, from the character. Both she and Zinc are my favorite characters, and I always envision them to be in a romantic relationship. This next movie will determine whether or not my wish for them to be more than friends comes true.

The next two weeks will be torture, waiting to see whether or not the fan theories come true in the next movie - Hylian Fighters: Rogue.

All my online friends - Hyli, Rooty, Jellie, and more - and I - we're all waiting for the release of the movie. I'll probably camp out at the theater the night before it's released to make sure I get into the first viewing.

Faye is absolutely gorgeous, and my quick sketch quite simply doesn't do her justice. She has the coolest black hair in this really intricate braid with these bright blue eyes; she wears something that most resembles a jumpsuit and black boots.

This is how most of my time at school is spent - either replying to comments or PMs and drawing or sketching characters from Hylian Fighters. School is boring, in my opinion, so I have to be creative with how I spend my time.

By the time I'm able to go home and school's over, I have a lot of doodles in my binder. So, as soon as I get home, I open up my laptop and take out my drawing tablet. It's time to get to work.


My laptop pings multiple times:

"A new private message from HylianFighter14"

"A new private message from Junebug"

"A new private message from SlayMyLife"

"A new private message from Zinc_is_mine"

I open the one from Hyli first:

"Lol, that would make sense - school is the universal torture chamber of everyone in Hyrule. X_X Breathe in deep, lol!!! Fresh air makes being outside the best thing in the world. ;P Haha, could you be called a band geek then? XD Pffft, no way - I'm the worst artist to ever live. And lol, I can try to learn. >_< I bet your violin playing is awesome so shush! XD Nope, you're better than me, and FINALLY OUT OF THAT AWFUL TORTURE CHAMBER. X_X"

My fingers tap on my keyboard as I reply:

"I'M SO HAPPY THAT TOMORROW IS FRIDAYYY!!!! :DDD Nooo, no fresh air!!! :OOO I need to stay insideeee. >_< And lol, maybe an orch geek - I've gotta fit some kind of high school stereotype. XDDDD Well, at least you consider yourself to be an artist. XP Yes!!! Try to learn!!! It'd be good for you! Lol, my violin playing is NOT good. XD When will you finally quit?!?! -.- AND SO AM I - FREEDOM FINALLY!!! XD"

Pressing send, I move on to the message from Jellie, aka "Junebug":

"ZAYE HAS TO LIVE!!!!!!!!! ZINC AND FAYE ARE PERFECT TOGETHER, OH MY GOSH!!!!! Girl, I've watched the trailer so many times that I've memorized the whole thing. XDDD And don't even XDDD Zinc is BEYOND CUTE. >_> Faye better watch out. *winks*"

Quickly, I type out a response:

"ZAYE IS LITERALLY EVERYTHING, FAM!!!! Faye looks like such a warrior in her new outfit! I need to get drawing! And haha, same, though! XDDDD And Zinc is just... *melts* ... NOOO, YOU CAN'T STEAL HIM. >_< He's MINEEEEEE. ;-; XDDDD"

Next, I have to respond to Rooty, but I'm getting kind of hungry. Driven by the need for food, I get up from my bed and head over to the kitchen where the fridge, freezer, and cupboards await me, stocked with all the food I could ever want. Making up my mind quickly, I climb up on a chair to reach the top cabinet to where our chips are stashed.

From that dangerous height, I manage to reach a bag before climbing back down and opening it. I swear, I hate it when I open a huge bag of chips, and it's half empty. Like, I totally purchased the bag for the stash of air I'd receive.

Either way, I grab a bottle of water on my way out of the kitchen, taking a small swig and heading back up the stairs to my bedroom. Swinging the door shut, I hop on my bed again before beginning to answer Rooty's message:

"Welp, I think the next piece of art in order should be some Zaye eating cotton candy. XDDD And I guess we'll both push through it... WITH SOME HYLIAN FIGHTERS, AYYY OR AYYYYYYYYY, FAM?!?!?!"

I laugh before responding to SlayMyLife:

"THAT'S AN AWESOME IDEA, ROOTY!!! I'll have to start working on that! And definitely AYYYYYYYYY!!! I think I'm going to start drawing some Zaye eating cotton candy, and I'm gonna tag you, a'ight?"

Lastly, to respond to Zinc_is_mine:

"Hey, Faye - I'm a really huge fan of your art, and I was wondering if I could request the use of one of your pieces for a cover I'm making for a story I'm writing. Would you mind letting me know??? Thanks! :D --- Zim"

I begin typing out a reply, slightly flattered at the thought that someone would want to use my art to make their coverart - aside from that, Zim is one of the biggest Zaye fan writers out there so my art would get a lot of exposure if she uses one of my drawings (and I'm probably one of her biggest fans so her using my art as coverart - the fangirl inside me squeals):

"Hi, Zim! This is all seriously a huge compliment to me, and I'd be honored if you used one of my drawings as coverart! As long as you credit and tag me, you can totally use one of my pieces! Thanks, Faye."

There - all my PMs have been replied to. Now, to check my stats.

The numbers shown on the screen completely blows my mind.





Total Word Count:


My Internet Love | Zelink Modern AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz