Chapter 27- Finding Grey

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Toni walk out from the school and was walking home when a car stop. She turn around and saw Jeff was coming out of the car. She sigh and immediately try to walk faster. Jeff run towards her and stop her.

"Toni!!!Please...please Toni!!!!" said Jeff begging her to stop walking. Toni stop and says,

"What do you want?"

"Did Grey contacted you?" said Jeff. Toni shake her head and says,

"No what happen?"

"Two weeks ago dad and I went to see him and he was in a bad shape but now I try to call him but he is not answering his phone."

"Have you went to his apartment?" said Toni.

"Nope...I came back from New York and wanted to see how he was but he did not answer his phone. I call dad and he said he too try but he did not answer."

"Where might he be!!" said Toni as she too became worry for Grey.

"Anyway thank you. I'm sorry to have bother you!" said Jeff while he walk to his car. Toni follow him and says,

"I'll come too." Jeff look at her and nod his head. He did not know that she was still worry about Grey even when she know that he was the cause of her parents dead. Toni and Jeff get in, and Jeff drive off to Grey apartment.

When they reach Grey apartment, Jeff open the door and they walk in.

"Grey!!!" Grey!!" said Jeff while Toni went into Grey room which was unlock. She enter the room and did not see anyone. She walk around to see if she could find any clue. She walk into the walk in closer and was shock to see the picture of Grey mother were not there at the wall which was supposed to be there.

"Oh...Grey!!!!" she said to herself. Toni immediately walk out of the closer and run to Jeff.

"Jeff!!!!We have a problem!" said Toni.

"What happen?" said Jeff. Toni pull Jeff into the walk in closet and show him what Grey had done on the wall. Jeff look at it and says,

"What is it?"

"It like a mapping that Grey did so that he could find your mother's killer. And there was a photo of your mother on the middle but it's gone. I think he found the killer."

"I'll call dad!!!" said Jeff while he took out his phone and call Richard. While Jeff call Richard, Toni walk out to see if she could find anything. Toni walk into her room and saw something writing on the dressing mirror.

"Hi Toni by the time you might have seen this I have caught that bastard, I know it was hard for you to expect me again and I understand. Don't worry about me and just be happy from now on. I Love You. Grey."

On the table she was a Grey phone. She took it and look at the last dial number "Lucas". Toni dial Lucas number and wait for him to answer.

"Hello Grey!! What's up man?" said Lucas guy.

" this Lucas?"

"Who is this? Why are you holding Grey hand phone?"

"I'm Toni...we are looking for Grey. Is he with the killer?"

"How do you know about it too?"

"Yes. His brother and I are seriously worry about him. Did you give him the killer information." said Toni.

"Yes. I did. I told him that the killer is in the next town and he is the pastor too. But Grey did not believe that he change so my guess is that he must have gone there."

"Can you please send the address to Grey phone again. Please!" said Toni.


"Thank you!" said Toni while they disconnect the call. Toni run to Jeff and says,

"He is in the next town." said Toni.

"Grey!!!Why!!!" said Jeff.

'He's there." said Toni.

"Oh...Shit!!!" said Jeff.

P.S Comment and Vote, TQ

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